Pensioners made this country what it is! They are on the lowest rung of the income ladder, yet government after government fail to realize this! More politicians should try and live on what a pensioner gets per week/fortnight, it will then probably sink in! Pensioners

have to cut corners, every step of the way , to make ends meet. Medications on a prescription cost $5.00 per item, yet the pharmaceutical allowance is only $2.90¢ - is that Fair?? And I do not agree with giving single pensioners more allowances than married couples- that is neither fair!

The government must face the reality of living conditions that pensioners face in these hard times, when prices have accelerated, petrol and everything keeps going up, and make life a little more bearable for those who built this country!!

Ivan J


I have never heard one single pensioner say "poor marrieds only get half Pharmacutical payments we do"? (of course we get to 58 quicker but with two paying for many prescriptions of course) oh and thank goodness we get an extra nearly $100 a fortnight which has to be a great help? have you? This has to help in many ways to offset two living together.

Single Pensioners do get a bit more money to help them don't they? albeit I know it is difficult to manage and in a few (but very few instances a couple manage a little better but not a lot better as two cost twice as much in most situations) I am not saying singles are not doing it tough but marrieds need a bit more money also, not just single pensioners.

The lump sum amount which came out of the blue surely is a great bonus whatever way we all look at it? People saving their homes? able to buy a new washing machine? Refrigerator? new blankets? whatever it is was needed so can't people enjoy it and not be constantly complaining and downright rude about it? I say give it back or to charity if you are SO offended by it.....Many are over the moon with it.

I feel sure Pensioners will receive a Pension rise next year but lets hope it is for marrieds as well, as otherwise pensioners will split and become almost like the Labour and Liberal party amongst ourselves and have far less power than we have now but would have a lot more if we got our act together maybe?

Just my opinion and thank God for our great Country where we can have an opinion.

(I am abit of a shrinking violet of course and a quiet little thing) lol I know I know and "Pigs might Fly"


Pensioners made this country what it is! They are on the lowest rung of the income ladder, yet government after government fail to realize this! More politicians should try and live on what a pensioner gets per week/fortnight, it will then probably sink in! Pensioners

have to cut corners, every step of the way , to make ends meet. Medications on a prescription cost $5.00 per item, yet the pharmaceutical allowance is only $2.90¢ - is that Fair?? And I do not agree with giving single pensioners more allowances than married couples- that is neither fair!

The government must face the reality of living conditions that pensioners face in these hard times, when prices have accelerated, petrol and everything keeps going up, and make life a little more bearable for those who built this country!!

Ivan J

Totally agree with you. In other threads I have decried the overreaction of the government re the $10.05 billion package. I think much of it has gone in the wrong direction and at this time quite, irresponsible in some respects, and instead, more could have been given to the pensioners.

I hope Older folk are not ungrateful and expecting everything for us! and not always berating the fact the young families are getting money to help them also, to help with

rearing kids etc as we really are a lot luckier than many years ago when as you said Charlee there was nothing absolutely nothing for our grandparents and older generation at all and they had to rely on their children or beg for help....In fact in many Countries now there is no pension for people unable to work at all and they do have to beg and expect their children to give them everything they need to survive....I have heard of a "widow's mite" which was apparently just a little bit of money to help them and when this came in they were very happy to receive anything (not right of course as they deserved to be taken care of).

We older folk accept all the new fangled things and know life is much better because of new technology starting from a washing machine and television and even having cars etc so we want what has evolved so of course kids have more today and our children want and have more than we did, but that is natural as we older folk do also, including our computers and mobile phones so why should the kids not want the same? They have been born into this time.

I also think people today have a lot of headaches trying to manage because life is not as simple as it once was but to be honest Older Folk are heaps better off than they were many years ago and it is getting better all the time. I am glad my children are reared as it is very difficult rearing children today but I feel sorry for my children having such a difficult time with good kids (there are no bad kids of course) but well some children with problems can make life unbearable for many Mums and Dads and they are allowed very little they can do in the way of discipline. It was much easier for a woman to stay at home and be a home maker than today when even the courts expect a woman to work and help support the family and frown on women who stay at home.

All the best



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