Heart or/and aching muscles?

Just been reading up on Vitamin D and realise
even though I get outside a bit really do not get much
sun on much of my body like I used to.....
It appears many who think they
get enough of this Vitamin are really lacking in it and hence
sore muscles and heart problems. I bought Vitamin D capsules
yesterday and taking a double dose for awhile so will see if
it does what it says it can do BUT always ask your Doctor
if it is o.k. to up the dose of D first and even better get her/him
to give you a blood test for D as apparently many of us are short
on this Vitamin but take on Doctor's advice with other meds. of course.
All the best and good health

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So sorry that you had all the ill health and also your dear Wife--

Yes the cost is so so dear--even if you are in a private fund

Best wishes to you both--and hope all will OK

All the best to your wife Seth and of course you would both be under stress

but it is wonderful the Doctors are good and clever and the technology

to make your wife well available.


We who have Arrythmia of the heart know only too well the good feeling

when it jumps back into normal beat hey.....I can do heavy work and have

no problems yet be at rest and the darn pump acts up. I have had it for

so long I can barely remember when I did not have it but it is very annoying

and I think worse as I have gotten older.

We have to be grateful for what we have and are but sometimes it is difficult.

Peter is going in tonight for a sleepover for his stopping breathing many times

during the night so I am on my own with the two cats tonight and I am a bit of a

fraidy cat without him lol. Peter says it will make me appreciate him but I do

this every day as I bet you and your wife do for each other.

All the very best


Thanks for the kind words, I was sure I sent a fast reply before I went to

the physiotherapist, It looks like old age is catching up.

While waiting I read an old health book and it said that in

september last year, bread had to have 'iodine 'added.

Poor Peter, you must let him have a breather between rides on

the vibration machine, you are not letting him catch his breath.

You know he wont get off unless he is hanging upside down. seth.

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