Healthcare overview

[i]“For the first time the Commonwealth will be the majority funder of public hospitals”[/i]
· $772 invested in primary care services and GPs at local level (GP super clinics and after hours services)
· $523 for nurse training and support including aged care nurses
· $467 for provision of electronic health record for those who want one.

[b]YOURLifeChoices Comment:[/b]
Ageing of population and rising health costs pose a “serious long-term challenge” for our nation.
Ageing population also provides an opportunity but, along with most other governments around the world, this is rarely seen as a positive – older people continue to be seen as a fiscal burden not a rich resource.
We are still not sure how the commonwealth “ownership” of health will work without WA involved?


Regarding how the new health system will work without WA being involved, has me very concerned and wondering if the promised monies could not have been already given without this particular movement. But I guess they don't actually have the funds. It sounds as though they are becoming more desparate to find the monies already wasted/spent to finance this so called New Health Plan.

It sounds as though the government no longer trusts its people who have been working so hard to provide assistance to those in need of help in the Health system, and government is trying to blame them for the inability to provide enough resources etc. Many of these good men and women work extremely long hours, budget carefully, and go to bat for their area to have more funding when it is necessary.

Sounds as though the money offered is actually there to spend, so why not have the various departments place a qualified list of their needs and costings to the government (which I feel they do so now) and grant their monies so that they could get on with their role of caring for ill clients. I am only aware of the Qld State governments method of providing funding after their various departments do there budgets for the coming financial year.

Many welfare type departments such as Child Safety have in the past had their budgets not granted and in this current fiscal year, they have actually been reduced by a huge percentage. This does not assist children in need, the victims of childhood abuse. No wonder in many cases we are having a generation of hurt and damaged children growing up as damaged adults.

I feel sure that this new Health system will be no better than the original, if that is a true analysis of the current situation, after all what do bureaucrats know about health and the needs of their people. They are not Doctors and Nurses or finance managers. The majority are only out there to win votes, and keep their generous salary packages and perks. I agree there are some there who have an honest approach to governing Australia, but I feel they are very few.

Would you employ a skilled carpenter, for e.g. with no experience to guide and run a huge investment company? Then who in government have the skills to guide and assess the Health department other than those who currently run it.

Australians should realise that we are employing these people to run the country, and we have our say at elections and suggest that no one should ever waste a vote!


Well said Mac.

Do we have a student of Constitutional Law, on here? I vaguely remember

that it is against the Constitution for the Federal Government to leave out

any State or Territory from the right to their share of any Federal Funding.


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