
Hello Editor

Today I noticed your article on happiness and the fact that research shows that it is related to income and/or wealth.

I would encourage you to further investigate this topic of happiness by including research based on peoples' spiritual views.

Christians are trained to be content with what they have, independent of the circumstance. I believe the unhappiest people are faithless people, not poor people!


Rod Nankivell


Very much agree with you  mate, that's why I left the church, went to India and sought happiness in an ashram. I am now a budhist monk, have  a begging bowl, satisfy my pangs of hunger with one meal a day before noon, I'm happy!

I totally believe you, Lucca ????

Ah my friend, health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship. The mind is everything. What you think you become. If you think constantly of food you become a couch potato

Happiness is being loved and being able to give to others.  Enough money to pay for essentials and treat others as you would like to be treated.

Happiness is having enough money to live comfortably and to be able to do the things you like doing. For me that means being around the average income for your locality. Not rich and not poor.

In addition to that, family, good friends and good health are important for my happiness.

Religion plays no part.


Religion plays no part in my happiness register either.

Family wellbeing is number one for me with financial and personal security/comfort also being important.

Not having enough money no matter how hard I budgeted (even when on a good income) most of my life has been a constant stress & strain on mental health (& I'm not a drinker or smoker & don't even gamble at all, not even a lotto tik & I don't even buy new clothes or make up & only get a hair cut once per year, no health insurance- thankfully no major health problems, never had a new car- jus ones that had expensive breakdowns, no new or flash house, jus cheapest of everything & had cheap holidays which I'm very greatful for, raised a family & put a little away in superannuation later in life tho never had savings or money in the bank but now there's just me, but somehow money just didn't go far enough & still doesn't!!

Finally paid off all debt @ 60yo & finished working full time & now a year later earning minimum wage working part time, but still have to be super careful with money, feeling less stressed but it's been such a battle.

Money is definitely the root of all evil be it too much of it or not enough of it, it's certainly a problem!  

It's not "money is the root of all evil" but "LOVE of money is the root of all evil". 

1 Timothy 6:10

A very different proposition! Money itself is neither good not bad!

Original Poster says:  : "I believe the unhappiest people are faithless people, not poor people!"

Really?? Faithless people?   Who are these faithless people? What is faith? Are you about to embark on a dogmatic view of “faith” in relation to the Bible?

No one is happy with a hungry belly...no one is happy begging on the streets or living hand to mouth.

Do you live in la la land??


No one is happy with a hungry belly...no one is happy begging on the streets or living hand to mouth.

Have to agree with that sentiment Sophie.


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