Grocery Prices

I don't expect the results of the ACCC's inquiry into grocery prices has come as a surprise to anyone. The assistant treasurer reported that : grocery prices have risen (who would have guessed!!!!); drought and world economics have caused the rise (wow they're smart) and there is no evidence of any wrongdoing by retailers (surprise surprise), and the Government has no control over the grocery prices (so what was the reason for the enquiry)? How long do we have to put up with this Labour Government holding expensive enquiries to tell us what we could have told them for nothing. It seems to me that they have adopted the policy of "being seen to be doing the right thing" and actually doing stuff all. I wonder if the farmers were ever consulted about the prices they were receiving compared to the market prices?

I suggest we support the independent greengrocers and check out and support the Farmer's Market Days
if they're held in your area, where farmers sell direct to the public. I remember Warwick Farm used to hold one once a month and it was extremely popular.


Lamb used to be very affordable but now $30 a kilo for rack of lamb is ridiculous.....

Buy cheaper chops and when you look there are huge bones and fat hidden underneath....

Salmon steaks are supposedly great for older folk and everyone but $36 a kilo that's crazy.....

Eat more fish it's SO good for us but who would buy Bassa and prawns from where the water is putrid?

sure the price is cheaper but not for me thanks. I would rather eat baked beans on toast.....

Have to say I was stunned to buy two double ice creams at a cost of 20c less than $10 for the two.

$10 for a couple of ice creams is also crazy.

Thank God for Aldi. I buy 2 litres of lovely low fat ice cream for just $2.59 and even cheaper if you have full fat.

Seems mad to me to pay more for low calorie, low fat, low sugar, low salt anything but what can you do if we want it we have to pay...

Life is still great and we save a lot shopping at Aldi.


“being seen to be doing the right thing”

I agree Jade, or be 'seen to be doing something'. Yes the ACCC inquiry amounted to nothing just as their inquiry into petrol price collusion amounted to nothing. One wonders now what value is the ACCC?

I have a friend who frequently visits relatives in Victoria and brings back a car-load of stuff from Aldi because I think it will be years before they set up here.

Fuel watch......$20million dollars will be the cost to the taxpayer.

Will achieve nothing other than to put more independents out of business.

Grocery watch another $20million dollars...., I read somewhere.

So I look at the website, and find ....surprise, surprise....Aldi's is the cheapest, the independendents are dearer, and Coles and Woolies have about $2 difference between them. Nothing new. (The Independents seem to have better quality in their fresh produce, and I for one, don't mind paying for that...rather than rotten vegies, fruit, and pumped up meat )

The site willbe updated [u]monthly.[/u]

In the meantime, Coles and Woolies are still letterboxing [b]weekly[/b] specials.

In the meantime as well, apart from specials, prices of many products are changing daily, because I'm sure everything is not purchased and delivered on the same day.

As well, one needs to go online. Not everyone has access to computers. Pensioners in particular, as usual,are totally ignored. The pensioners who do have access to the internet, would probably be in the minority.

Rudd may not have [u]promised [/u]to keep costs down, but he certainly implied throughout the whole campaign, that he had answers. What a con. Fuel costs are what drives up grocery costs.

And let's not forget Rudd's statement after the budget: b]We've done all we physically can".[/b]

This lot make Yes Minister and the Hollowmen look like Shakespeare.

The trouble is , it's not a laughing matter anymore.

Phyl, There is a huge range of fish between $36 salmon (I'll take your word on that price as I know it will be out of my price range) and basa fillets. Blue grenadier boneless fillets were $7-50 last week, and silver whiting are regularly around the $5-6 mark, to mention just a couple.

They have been promising Farmers Market here for ages --but as yet NOTHING--we only have IGA--(they have very little stock and are much dearer here) and we have Woollies and Bi Lo--so not a lot of choice :(


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