Greens Dental Plan

At last - this is so badly need by low income older people. If only the other parties cared about health and teeth of older Aussies.

The Australian Greens have announced a $4.3 billion universal dental care plan.

The Denticare scheme aims to improve general health by reducing dental waiting lists and providing access to basic care for low income earners.

Greens Senator Christine Milne says poor oral health is costing the health system millions of dollars per year. "At the moment, people can't afford to get their teeth fixed and so they leave them and they they get infections and end up in the emergency department of hospitals and often end up actually hospitalised," she said.

"Something like 30,000 people in Australia a year are hospitalised because of the failure to be able to look after their teeth."

This is an excellent initiative of the Greens. They've got my vote.

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Sounds good.................

Not long to wait now to see which party will stuff the country

The Australian Greens have announced a $4.3 billion universal dental care plan

It will be difficult to deliver unless the Greens win government which is highly unlikely.

Thats why they can make these wild statements--because they never get in

Too good to be true because the Greens have no way of implementing it, so they can promise anything.

On the other hand it is possible for the Greens to blackmail the government in the Senate to (say) bring in drug injecting rooms, change the Marriage Act for Gay marriage (which gives the knee-up for flow-on changes for polygamy), or ban recreational fishing.

How will anyone on a fixed income or pension be able to afford the cost of power if the Greens get to close down coal power stations and add carbon levies to energy bills? Read their policies:

In the Senate, I am putting an above the line vote for the Australian Shooters and Fishers Party, who I know are practical, sensible, honest men and women who will let me continue fishing with my children and grandchildren. That is what we all should want, honesty, common sense and no fabulous promises to hide other sneaky agendas.

No way would I ever support the Greens having the whip hand through holding the balance of power in the Senate.

you people who are thinking of voting for the greens, who like the idea of their dental plans,

do you also like same sex marriages which is a dirty stinking way of life ,and their leader wants this,and all the other outlandish poll ices,which if they get the balance of power then watch out and your money will just leap out of our pockets to pay their taxes.Why do people always want free dental ,why don't you want to pay ,a lot of people are able to pay but everything for free and I ain't one of them


Why do people always want free dental ,why don’t you want to pay ,a lot of people are able to pay but everything for free and I ain’t one of them


I also pay my own dental, but there are plenty that are not able to afford as it is not cheap--and if you have ever had a bad toothache and can't afford it would be hell on earth and it causes many health problems too. Health and Dental are big concerns and need to be taken care of. Good God they can find billions to kill--wars-- you but not to keep people alive.

Free dental:

Unfortunately my private income rules me out of anything subsidised or free. Very sad.

You’ll be demanding farmers “remove as far as possible” all genetically modified crops, which includes GM cotton worth about $1.3 billion a year.

You’ll be voting to close down many other businesses and industries, including the export of woodchips from old-growth forests,


These I DO agree with!

Whether or not you vote for the Greens is one's own decision.

It does look likely that they could end up holding the balance of power in the senate.

The Greens, whether you like it or not are taking voters away from the 2 major parties possibly because a lot of people are sick of Labor & Liberal policies, or lack of them.

The Greens current strong polling across Australia could be due in part to the most unlikely of allies - Farmers.

A report commissioned by the Tasmanian Farmers and Graziers Association before the state election there showed that the Greens’ policies reflected their own principles more often than those of either Labor or the Liberals.

You can however choose to vote for who you want if you are willing to number everyone--which I will do

Not long to wait now to see which party will stuff the country

I just love optimism, it makes you feel good inside, thanks planB.

Seth, it is just that of late there doesn't seem to have been any real answers from either side--

fwed A vote for the Greens is a vote for Labor.

If Labor gets in with Greens holding balance of power, look out for all the way out thing coming

in as law, then don't grizzle about it.


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