Gay couples to face new era of financial discrimination

[i]The impact of changes to pension entitlements for same-sex couples and the lack of information from or co-operation by Centrelink in the implementation of these changes. We recommend ‘grandfathering’ the changes for those already receiving income support, especially those over 55 years.[/i]

Many gay people lobbied for and supported the government’s long overdue recognition of same-sex couples in federal legislation and regulation. We support equality for all Australians. However the transition from inequality and exclusion, to equality and inclusion needs to consider the impact on the more vulnerable members of our community.

Older lesbian and gay people have lived in an Australia where homosexual acts were illegal, where a blind-eye was turned to discrimination, where abuse, intimidation and physical violence was commonplace, and where their same-sex relationships (and the benefits and responsibilities which come with marriage) were not recognised by the State.

Gay men have lived through the horrors of the HIV epidemic, with many still living with HIV, but unable to return to work due to ongoing sickness. The financial costs on individuals and couples has compounded the physical costs.

Now, finally their relationships are to be recognised and the first tangible impact of this recognition is a reduction in income support for many. This is not fair.

Same-sex couples have had to arrange their finances as two independent people. They have received none of the financial benefits or entitlements afforded by the State to married couples. Older LGBT people have planned their retirement finances on this basis. Now, because they will be treated as a “marriage-like” relationship, one or both partners will have their pension income reduced or stopped completely.

LGBT senior support organisations are already receiving calls from worried seniors and people with HIV, afraid of what will happen to them and afraid of Centrelink investigating their lives and relationships. Many are unwilling to seek information or support from Centrelink (even accessing their website) for fear that Centrelink will track them down and cut their pension. Many have never talked publicly or to government services about their relationship.

There has been a lack of information through LGBT community communication channels about the changes and what they mean, and a lack of independent advice available to LGBT people affected by the changes from services they can trust. People have not had the information or time to make the necessary changes to their finances.and there has been no attempt by Centrelink to organise public education campaigns and asking about support for individuals.

Consideration needs to be given to how these changes will affect LGBT people already in receipt of income support, just as consideration has been provided to other groups when major changes to the income support system were introduced in the past.

- ‘grandfathering’ the introduction of these changes for those already receiving income support, especially those over 55
- funding independent financial advice and advocacy services for those affected by the changes
- communication by Centrelink, using LGBT communication channels and in partnership with LGBT community organisations, on what these changes will mean and how they will be introduced.

More information

[url=;=general%20news&ArticleID;=1038]The Senior[/url]

[url=]Sydney Morning Herald[/url]

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I don't think they should get any financial support. Men should be men and women should be women. Medical help to be that should be given. Or am I misled about something?

Also, I think it is grossly wrong for Mr Rudd to give that pension bonus to Aussie people living in other countries. That only builds their economics. As well as people from other countries who are not Australians. Put Ozzies first and foremost, and stop the immigration department from bringing more people into this country when we don't have enough for our homeless and pensioners, why should we give to them as well? They didn't raise this country up to what it is, they know we are stupid and easy here and let anyone in, so they come and suck the life out of us and we true blue ozzies have to suffer.

This is a free country right? so I have a right to say what I think. Democratic? I don't think.

What annoys me is; that if we went over to some of these countries of people living here, we wouldn't be allowed to build schools or churches in our faith, nor would we be allowed to dress the way we do here in theirs. So will someone tell me why we allow it in this country? Is the government affraid that if they don't bow down to their every whim they will rise up and bomb us? How dare that person in prison demand that he must have special food because he was muslin!!! Don't commit crimes in our country and you wouldn't be in prison, don't ask for special food, you don't deserve it. You committed a crime, so wear it like an Ozzie. Or leave. Why did they give into his demands I'd and thousands of Ozzies would like to know? anyone game to answer? Don't tell me he had a right!! We wouldn't get a right in his country, if they love their way of life so much then why don't they all stay in their own country? I just can't work out any logic to it all, It baffles me. Australia is going to the pack.

We do all have a right to an opinion and that is good.

I just wonder why men are not to have the same rights as women?

If women cannot support themselves when their husbands pass away why are men supposed to just carry on the same when their wives pass? Sometimes it is the wife who brings home the wage but does not come into consideration.

I believe people are born the way they are and if homosexuals require support then

they have as much right as hetrosexual couples. People are people after all.

We are supposed to be equal so what is good for the goose should be good for the gander surely?


Wow two replies that really did not address the original posters post.

The point is that Phyl and most on this forum vote Labor so should be applauding Rudd for making gays and lesbians equal to others on the pay scale.

Gays and Lesbians want equality - this is it.

So gay couples will be paid less - brings them in line with married couples.

Actually gay couples will lose $50 a week and rising.

Good! Why? - because they are far better at lobbying then the rest of the mainly apathetic old age pensioners - so the gap which widens every 6 months due to simple mathematics and not to actually discriminate against married couples may just get addressed.

Once again I will post how it goes up ti Mar 08 and now the difference between single and married persons pension is $50 a week each or $100 a fortnight per person who is married or defacto.

AGE PENSION 2000-2008 March - ratio of single to married per person.

Mth/Yr Single Married Difference

Mar 00 193 161 32

Sep 00 197 164 33

Mar 01 201 168 33

Sep 01 205 171 34

Mar 02 211 176 35

Sep 02 215 179 36

Mar 03 220 184 36

Sep 03 226 189 37

Mar 04 232 194 38

Sep 04 236 197 39

Mar 05 238 199 39

Sep 05 245 204 41

Mar 06 249 208 41

Sep 06 256 212 42

Mar 07 262 219 43

Sep 07 268 224 44

Mar 08 273 228 45

(ps this board runs the figures all together which akes them harder to read - sorry for that)

I have posted this before. No one ever seems to notice that whilst it rises every 6 months the gap widens - which can only be due to the way it is done by a clerk - percentages used - on both which makes the gap widen - simple mathematics which has always escaped attention.

In award days the Union did try to go back to a dollar amount but the tribunal whose own pay relied on the same rise - liked percentages as it gave them a lot more pay and made them higher on the scale too.

Government loves it.

Divide and Rule.

All Age pensioners dip out.

Gold Class Wrote:

I don’t think they should get any financial support. Men should be men and women should be women. Medical help to be that should be given. Or am I misled about something?

Gay men are men, lesbians are women and don't require any medical help to change what is a perfectly natural condition - hence the number of animal species that also have same sex relationships [url=][/url]

According to the Australian Psychological Society (and other psychologist organisations worldwide) homosexuality is not a psychological illness either, see [url=][/url]

Please try to stay on topic and do some research [b]before[/b] you post

This type of thing really shows the difference between adults and children doesn't it? Children spit the dummy (those gays are so good at lobbying) or whinge (homosexulas are sick) or run away (we just want to get on with our normal lives) - or want gays and lesbians to run away (be closeted).

Well the fact are that adults recognise and respect sexuality diversity and understand that people should be able to live their own lives without interference or discrimination. Most thinking people listen when they are told that older lesbians and gays have had inequality and disadvantages all their lives. This has affected their working lives with resultant financial disadvantages, eg. lower super, less savings. So if they are Centrelink clients now (say on age or disability pensions) to suddenly say "hey, you've got to live on less right now because that makes us all equal & tough luck because that's how all couples are treated" does not recognise that older gays and lesbians are not on a level playing field with opposite sex couples.

Formal equality is the superficial approach, a quick fix which says - all are equal now. Which is a fiction as it does not achieve real equality. Substantive equality is an approach which looks at the past disadvantages & their effects & takes a "special measures" approach. This means that special conditions or protections apply in order to prevent more disadvantages occurring. It has a longer range view - both before and after the fact (ie. passsing of those so called "equal treatment" laws last November).

So Senator Ludwig listen up! Lesbians and gays will not go quietly on this one. Why not? Because it compounds the effects of past systemic disadvantages. You make a simplistic statement that "couples are couples" but you ignore the fact that "inequality IS ineqaulity". Be a big boy now, grow up and use your brain to work this one out eh?

Why are these blights on society called gay.

The ones that I have met are miserable misfits.

I have no time for them as a priest tried to procure me when I was around 14.

His testicles probably still hurt after the kick I gave them.

This is a democracy and regardless of my views, Gays wanted recognition and equality, well you have got it. The argument that you didn't plan on losing some or all of your pension is ridiculous. You should be celebrating the fact that you have won recognition and join the married couples in lobbying for a more equitable pension. I'm sure heterosexual married couples didn't plan financially on receiving less than singles. With the attitude of the original poster, you are continuing to set yourselves apart from the heterosexuals. You've got what you wanted, celebrate it, but don't try and pick out the "good" bits and discard those conditions you don't like.

Quite right I for one paid my income taxes as a single person even though married - so it was a surprise to me that come the day I needed a pension I would have to take less for being married. Also missed out on all the handouts of welfare everyone seems to get today.

That is discrimination but seemingly although no-one else is allowed to discriminate against anyone on religion, age, gender, and marital or sexual status - governments get away with it.

Now if the Gays want a fight - good on em - but fight for a pension paid to all of the same amount and then make up the rent allowance to a proper market driven amount and we will all be equal as we should.

That's is what I meant by glad the gays join the married couples to get paid less as they usually are a lot better at lobbying mainly found in the professional classes so not as pathetic as far too many married couples seem to be as they have taken it laying down imo. Shame really.

Come on BigVal. Surely you can't see that the gays want equal rights, but not the equal disadvantages. Isn't it interesting that since Centerlink reared it's ugly head, there appears to be a spectacular lack of interest in gay marriage. You should be backing them. With their connections in the higher Courts, they are our best chance at getting the same pension for marrieds.

BTW It is a fact that in the family law courts, the mother has a major advantage as to custody of the child. I wonder who will win out of the mother & the auntie, or the father & the uncle???

Innes - I said

Now if the Gays want a fight - good on em - but fight for a pension paid to all of the same amount and then make up the rent allowance to a proper market driven amount and we will all be equal as we should.

Plainly that means they are going to start a fight with the government.

Not me.

I am all for it as married folk as too blooming apathetic and lie down and let all walk over them these days instead of standing together and getting people power to work. Gays do just that. Stick together and get gay people power to work.

Where did this "GAY "come from to describe sexual misfits?

I have never seen a gay poofta or happy ugly lesbo.

I think that they seek same sex partners because they are so twisted and misguided that they fail in normal relationships.

When I read your post Octopus it makes me feel so very sad.

You and I could never be friends.

I know I know this makes you cry but sorry.

I was at a party tonight and had a great chat with an Aussie lady married to a Haitian. They had a lovely "brown" daughter of about 14 and we were discussing how little they had suffered by way of their mixed race marriage. We concluded that Australia has largely grown out of its narrow minded views of say, 30 to 40 years ago when migrants, refugees and aborigines bore the brunt of many a slur in their community. Octopus' comments are a timely reminder that our old friends "bigotry and intolerance" remain alive and well in this country.


What has disliking homosexuals got to do with being a racist?

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