Forget whinging Poms – Aussies just as pessimistic

Despite living through 25 years of positive growth in our economy, Aussies are incredibly pessimistic about the future. Seven out of 10 believe their kids will be worse off than they are and negativity has surged 16 per cent in the last four years.

While 60 per cent of Australians said current economic conditions are good, they didn’t believe it would continue

Leading US think-tank, the Pew Research Centre, says negativity is stronger in countries that have had historically strong performance, with Australia and Japan leading the negativity race at 30 per cent above the global median. "Such despair is particularly strong in Australia, Greece, Japan, France, Canada, Spain and the UK," the research found.

Indonesia by comparison has seen positivity about its economy surge by 21 per cent since 2015. Meanwhile, 76 per cent of Indians and 72 per cent of Nigerians are particularly optimistic about economic prospects.

The US is still basking in the glow of Donald Trump’s arrival as President, with 60 per cent of Americans reporting that the found the US economic situation very or somewhat good, compared with 44 per cent last year.

What do you think? Should we be more optimistic or are more people just facing up to reality?




It's really bad 

the economy is slowing down things are getting from bad to worse

gone are the good old days 

kids nowadays have no work ethic so it  will only get worse 

our mineral resources are running out 

taxes too high

its all looking veey bleak indeed 

Cheer up sunshine, not long to go now :)

Tomorrow is another day




I don't know if any of you remember when Atom Bombs were being tested here in Australia and Mururoa Atoll.. All the young people would say, "We'll all be dead in a few years, so we might as well have a great time now, Live for today. " Everybody has always complained about taxes and low wages, that's the way life is. If everybody had a million dollars to spend, some would complain it was not enough. We are so lucky to be living in this day and age, medical science is so good, plenty of food for the table. Imagine having to live in those terrible countries that have floods and famine. They live in squalor but they always have a smile and would offer you a place to stay if you needed one.  I think I'm the eternal Optimist and always try to look on the bright side of life. I've been handed out some rough times,but who hasn't, you've got to 'go with the flow'. 

I have to agree with you Hola, spot on...



Hola..I love your outlook on life...keep smiling....

wise words HOLA,      NO use having bleak ideas,   what will happen,   will,     we cant change the way of the world,     just make the most of what we have,    

Bah humbug 

"And so say all of us" Hola.

Are you Mrs. Dolittle ?

No, but I reckon it would have been good to have been Mrs D.

RnR -  Nothing cuter than little animals. 

Just goes to show whatever is, is it it never enough!


Whinging Aussies!

There's even a website for Whinging Aussies. Poms, you're off the hook!

Image result for whinging aussies


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