Five simple cleaning tips

Spring's almost over, and I'm surely not alone in having entirely forgotten to do any spring cleaning. 

These tips should save us all some time:

Wipe the dust off your ceiling fans
If you haven't turned your ceiling fans on for over 6 months, there's probably colonies of dust up there. Give them a wipe down if not for your own sake, then for the hayfever sufferers in your life. 

Disinfect your sponges
Soak your sponges and put them in the microwave for two minutes on high, they'll come out 99 per cent bacteria free (and probably about 99 degrees celcius, so give them some time to cool off). 

Disinfect your microwave
Don't stop at sponges. Three-quarter fill a microwave safe bowl with water and put two tablespoons of bicarb soda into the water. Microwave on high for around 3 minutes (the water should be boiling), the steam and bicarb soda should kill odours and loosen mess so it'll just take a quick wipe down to finish the job. 

Let your brooms stand up for themselves
Keep your brooms stored bristles pointing upwards, it'll extend their lifetimes and keep them in shape.

Streak free window cleaning
This one's for the coffee drinkers: use coffee filters to wipe down your windows, the fine paper won't leave any streaks on your windows. 

Have you got any other cleaning tips? Don't keep them to yourself, share them below. 


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