Favourite movies - what's yours ?

I was watching TV last night and watched The Mamma Mia story - the story behind the movie.
I have the film on DVD and never get sick of watching it.
The main actress, Meryl Streep did an excellent job in the movie.

Another favourite movie I have seen is Forest Gump.
Forest Gump who while not intelligent, has accidentally been present at many historic moments. Tom Hanks played the part of the main character.

And a third favourite would be One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest starring Jack Nicholson.
The film portrays the horrible truth about how patients were treated in mental institutions back then, and tells the story of someone who desperately wanted to break out, to rebel, to change things, for himself and for the others.

What are your favourites ?


fwed I saw a pic. similar to the Jack Nicholson one starring

(of all people in my opinion and very good regardless

not one of my favourtite actors, Robin Williams).

I am waiting to see "Precious" great write ups.


I go to bed around 10.30 and listen to talk back radio

so Peter has his choice of anything to watch as he loves Science Fiction

and some thrillers whereas I am just a romantic at heart :blank:

Sometimes we see good movies on Movies of the World

sure a bit of a pain reading but often good albeit er a bit similar

to Some Aussie films, the endings are often a bit airy fairy :shut:

I know I have strange tastes with movies I really enjoyed

The Cider House Rules (1999) Tobey Maguire Michael Caine.

and Enemy Mine 1985 Dennis Quaid, Louis Gossett Jr.,This one even though

it's a S.F. movie and much maligned had a very good message on how to get along

with someone who is completely different to you.

The Shawshank Redemption is my all time favourite which has unfortunately been flogged to death by repeats on TV

I'm with you Tanwn -Shawshank Redemption is right up there for me, along with Ryan's Daughter and Nothing to Lose. All quite different movies, but ones that I can watch again and again.

Rainman :coolsmile:

This is the IMDb top 10:

1. The Shawshank Redemption (1994)

2. The Godfather (1972)

3. The Godfather: Part II (1974)

4. Il buono, il brutto, il cattivo. (1966)

5. Pulp Fiction (1994)

6. Schindler's List (1993)

7. 12 Angry Men (1957)

8. One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (1975)

9. Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back (1980)

10. The Dark Knight (2008)

I have never seen The Shawshank Redemption, but now I will keep watch for it.

I know this will earn me a hard time BUT here goes.

Definately The Student Prince, first.

Followed by, in no particular order

Crocadile Dundee, Ghost, Short Circuit, Shrek, Rambo

The Godfather & The Bucket List

Among my all time favourites are Pulp Fiction, Lawrence of Arabia, Cocoon and The Man from Elyssian Fields (Mick Jagger).

As quoted by my mate fwed:

" I have never seen The Shawshank Redemption, but now I will keep watch for it".


Screams in shock................................

Oh fwed you have been deprived...........

Take it out on video before too many more hours pass.

Have a real beaut. Wednesday


I don't watch many movies but Shawshank was my favourite--I like a movie with a really good story and poetic justice--I think thats why I always liked the Bronson movies.

I'm not very good at the movies, I always fall asleep, but I have managed a couple.

My favourites are.........Beaches........Ghost........ and that lovely old JohnTravolta/Olivia Newton John movie.



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