favourite movies

Seems to be shortage of posts so putting up a couple. First a lightweight one.
Which are your favourite movies and how many times would you watch them. For me Drama would be between "On the Waterfront" "The Deerhunter" and "One Flew over the Cuckoo Nest" Musicals "West Side Story" and most of the Rodgers and Hammerstein ones. Comedy, enjoyed "My Big Fat Greek Wedding" and the "Life of Brian". Probably watched them 3 or 4 times and still counting.


I dont go to the movie theatres but my all time favourite is the Shawshank Redemption. I have watched a couple of re-runs and pick-up on something I missed earlier.

I think after being spoilt with this movie I would have to seriously think long and hard for a second best, perhaps Gladiator for realism or perhaps one of the old black and white classics classics, anything that doesn't have Humpy Bogart.

Shawshank Redemption. --was the VERY best for me--I also haven't been to the movies in years--TheMan who sued God--- was good too

Sound of Music, On Golden Pond and anything without foul language and violence. (Are'nt I boring??)

Forgot about The Shawshank Redemption, I really enjoyed that. Haven't been to the actual movies for years, but I get the kids to buy me DVDs for birthdays etc and occassionally treat myself to a favourite. Then I can watch them every 9 to 12 months. Thats an advantage of being 74, you remember the story but the dialogue seems fresh at times.

I forgot I loved "The MAn from Snowy River" and also liked Golden Pond too--I will think of others later I am sure

--I also enjoy a good movie and I think if it is a good movie they don't need to have all that violence and swearing--

You don't know what you are missing!! Thoroughly enjoyed "Mamma Mia" yesterday. Very funny.

Probably show my age but love the old Gene Kelly musicals. I dont go to movies ,but after seeing shorts on tv,cant wait for Mamma Mia on DVD

I won't be seeing Mama--as I don't like Abba at all never have--and I never like musicals

In mt humble opinion there are many great movies. Shawshack Redemption, The Green Mile Schindlers list Pretty Woman and I just saw Mama Mia a great movie and soooooo funny.

Ah Elsie, what a beautiful memory of Gene Kelly and all the music and dancing.

Off to video shop and hope will find one.

Hi keandha

We loved Deer Hunter, The Funeral,Das Boat, The Full Monty,and recently Children of the Silk Road. We go to the Dendy and they give you a great deal and the cinemas are real beut.


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