Family History Research Advice


I am a professional genealogist based in Penrith, NSW and I specialise in tracing the UK ancestry of people from Australia and New Zealand. Family history research has never been more popular and many people enjoy the hunt for their ancestors. However, it can sometimes be a confusing and bewildering business, especially for those people new to the subject. If anyone has any questions about how they should go about tracing their family history, the records they can use, or generally anything to do with family history research, I would be pleased to help out with a little bit of advice. I worked on the SBS programme [i]Who Do You Think You Are?[/i] as the expert in the online question and answer sessions after each episode and have been a full time researcher for over 16 years. Hopefully, I may have some useful ideas or tips which may help you get started with your research, or help you break down a brickwall you might be facing.

I can't guarantee a miracle answer for every scenario but hopefully I might be able to put you on the right track. Please post any questions you may have as replies to this topic.

Many thanks

Jeremy Palmer


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