Exactly the right place at the right time :)

We had a good size trailer for over 20 years (bit of rust and not as good
looking as she used to be) BUT still a good ole girl as Peter says :)
I wanted some more room in our garage which is lined with a sink and
just a huge room which does not accommodate our car because we have a built in three
sided car port. So I said to Peter as we have no tow bar on our new second hand car
would you mind if we dragged the trailor up to the front gate and put a sign on it for sale
and he said "o.k."
So I made a big sign and we dragged the trailor up to the gate and while I was
taping the sign on the gate a van skidded to a halt and the young bloke dashed in had a look and back to his van to get us $65 saying how great it will be for his trail bike and at a price he can afford.....and off he went with the trailer as happy as......
Now what can I buy at Aldi for $65 lol. Yep every day is an adventure.


Looks like you both were in the right place at the right time Phyl.

That was good luck, hope tomorrow is a better day.

Looking into my Crystal ball and what do I see?

A wonderful day Saturday 13th Feb. for our very good mate fwed.

Something wonderful will happen for you tomorrow.

Do not get SO excited looking forward to tomorrow though matey you do not sleep well

tonight :)

Happy dreams.


Congrats. Phyl and sounds like the guy bought your trailor

was happy too, so an all round good deal. He may never pass your house

again but was as you said In the right place at the right time

I often think how lucky some entertainers are being noticed because many

have a lesser voice or whatever than others even I know, who

never quite make it. Bit like Susan Boyle as it took her a long time

regardless she has an amazing voice but put her

in the right place and walla success.

I am all excited Phyl , the biggest thing is seeing tomorrow's sunrise.

Your post makes me realise how much stuff we do not use we

should try and sell Phyl. A combined garage sale between a few of us

would be good..

Like you we are very happy with our lot in life. We are thoroughly

enjoying our retirement and our couple of thousand dollars each

month to enjoy life. We do not require a fortune at our age but we get

adequate for our needs and us over 65 have a lot to be happy about

.I also congratulate you selling your trailor.

Good morning Yaretzi. You are a very nice content person.......

You are an asset to About Seniors.

It is amazing just how much we accumulate we do not keep needing

but I am a bit of a hoarder even though I do like things looking nice

so do not open my cupboards lol or if you do, stand back

(nah not quite that bad) but I do like my things and my home.

Have a lovely Saturday folks.


Phyl it seems you must have the gift of "second sight" Just knowing when to do something.

Do you think you could advise me when would be a good time to have a garage sale.

My better half has been at me and at me to sell my beloved "JUNK"

Junk to her but to me might come in usefull some time things.

But SHE who MUST be OBEYED has spoken.FOR THE LAST TIME.

LOL Zapot. I am glad you know your place and ready to obey

your wife LOL.

I think when you can no longer use the dining table or even get in the doors

this has to indicate time for a garage sale.


Last year I went to a Christian Jumble sale and there was a ladies

bike in nice condition and a customer arguing he wanted it cheaper than $10

so I quickly said I will buy it. Trouble was the seat was far too high for me

and when I got on it my tip of my toes barely touched the ground and

trying to balance I fell off (thank goodness for all the skim milk I drink)

and very strong bones. It was a long way home wheeling the bike as

could not put it in the car.

I must put that bike at the front gate with $30 on it and make me a nice

profit :) More to spend at Aldi. All the best

Phyl. the dill

yes I wanted to sell my large home it had been on the market for twelve month , I went to an open inspection and got talking to a young English couple they were looking for a cheaper house than we looking at,I told them about mine two weeks later they bought it ,then the big clean out I got skip filled it with junk had garage sale sold furniture gave paintings and books way. I only kept enough for my smaller home but had to put in curtains blinds and shutters

Welcome to the forum Jesse.....

That was great and so true just the right place or situation

Look forward to your posts.

All the best



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