Even if you are aware of your health, wots the point?

I started off my day with a cup on tea then and a walk along the beach front bikeway. I got home and i felt good. After doing a few chores i decided to go on the internet for awhile. I could have read the news, but decided not to 'cause news is nearly always about doom and gloom. When i was younger i did surf for awhile so subconciously i decided to surf the net lol

Oh yes my health is important so thats where i headed in my quest for zest. Oh wait where to begin, i thought? So i started looking from a timeframe of when i was a nipper. Ah, those were the days, fresh air, fresh food and not a care in the world. I remember it well and i left the worries for mum and dad,'cause i was an innocent and trusted them.

My parents trusted too. They trusted goverments with more trust then we do. They believed the editorials in the paper. So much trust. Family doctor, the school teacher, and the extra budget tax for old age pension funds may have caused a few grumbles, but it was a pledge from the goverment so once again....trust. I can't remember any road rage and i can't remember any toll roads. I do remember we sometimes had fish and chips on friday night that was actually caught locally. My daddy used to say fish is good for you,snowball.

Tangents, tangents , why do i go off on tangents?

So anyway i was a little nipper and i played outside in the yard where i felt safe except from my big brother. I had candy hearts to give away and i breathed deeply of the air that i loved to breath. 

OMG atomic radiation.


I'm a dag for writing some of this i know, but somehow it helps me to write. Some may say i'm a ratfink, but hell that word isnt said anymore lol

i know the above linked doc is alot to read, and i dont blame you for feeling some emotion and not reading it all. Maybe you are just like my mother who was beautiful and cared.

Singing along with Tina Turner "What you get is what you see."

When i become a parent in my own time, i in turn trusted such simple things as the food that we eat. My wife and i had our own lovely daughters to care for and nurcher.

Ahh the food that we ate. Slowly step by step it changed,and i worked hard for the money, so hard for the money. The world did ban DDT, well at least the rich countries did. One can't waste a product so it was sold off naturally to the third world counties where nobody cared a toss. Egad, they still don't use DDT over there right? We dont import that food right? Ahh i trust our goverment safeguards time after time? And wot about the balance of payments?

I really am ok, just confused lol

I got so depressed i got off that subject and went elsewhere, its about health and vitality right?

I needed a coffee to still my beating heart 'cause i pretend that it does. When i went to the pantry i got sidetracked again and so wanted to read those food can labels. I had to go get my glass's first and had to squint to read the fine print on those labels. lol i shop where i have to buy my food at woolies. coles and aldi. omg.....spot the aussie product? This can't be right, so surfing again i found


Pant pant, i am going crazy......i'm in to deep.

Watching shadows move across the wall i felt a need to feel safe inside my house. I'd managed to regress to 1986 to forget about today and on this darn net come across


After i'd read the above i felt that even reading it that i had poisoned my soul. Hells bells and cockle shells, I don't wanna waste one single day now.

Live in the present and not the past, thats the way to be, lest we remember. And so I loved the last Q&A and no point in being politically correct, because it hinders what you really wanna let out.

Imagion the likes of Gina Rindhart and say     oh lets just say  the bloob from Queensland and being so glad that they don't run the country. We can then once again trust all the commisioned environmental reports that make it so ok to do what they do with our safety in mind as well. Coal dust, wot coal dust>>>>?


If i die in hospital one day, i hope its from old age. lol I must be an born again optimist.


Hi Riddle,


You are on the right track there and I have been on it for many years--BTW the 1st one on Radiation never worked can you please paste that one again--I would be interested in seeing it


Also have a look here a LOT of good true info here that you never see on the news here




Hi PlanB,

The first link on radiation seems to work for me. I just tried it again from within the post. Its some sort of google web document. Information is all out there just start searching with "Maralinga" 

In short the british exploded atomic bombs over about a 5 year period. So Australia was nuked with all the fallout consequences. Typically over the years its all hush hush ect. Service personal were ordered to stand out in the open, some behind doors, some in trenchs ect so it wasnt just about bomb making and testing it was also a study on its affect on people. Well the authorites thought it'd be all contained within the testing site......haha i assume with that last sentence. Aircrew were ordered to fly though the radiation cloud to moniter as it tracked with the prevailing winds. The planes got hot of course and were typically washed down by maintenance personal dressed in singlets and shorts.  Some planes where so hot they were stored at raaf bases and either pulled apart and sold as scrap or dumped at sea. The radioactive sluges ect put in drums as well ect ect and dumped at sea....one site 200k off qld sunshine coast. It was all top secret and service personal ordered not to tell. Where did some of this fallout go? WA, SA, NSW, NT and QLD. So all this was covered up. 

People died from this of course over time, and they were not just service personal. They were Australian citizens, men women children and babies. And also birth defects, and in some families much higher death rates from cancers ect.Indeed its said that secretly for years afterwards ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,( stopped in late 60's or early seventies, from memory) that childrens bones who had died from leukemia as example where secretly paid for and sent back to UK for radiation testing. Lots of stock died too, cattle and sheep.

So we have a conspiracy. Personal hospital records have all disappeared for those who seeked restritution. So it never happened.

At that time i was a happy trusting little vegimite and if all this is true well i will never know if i was exposed to radiation and to what degree.

ps. thanks for those links i will read them

Riddle you are one of the very few that seem to have your head on straight and don't live in La La land--Yes all that happened and so down the track all these cancers are now so prolific and NO one asks questions--what is happening in Japan is yet another load of lies we are being told--even cars etc made in Japan are no longer safe--but we are not told anything about that--think about it--the metal and the air filters--plus Nori that they import used for Sushi etc--plus God knows what else--I will send you a site that show all the tests done just up to 1998.


Also our supposed watch dog http://www.arpansa.gov.au/ is a toothless tiger and tells us so must BS and is NOT testing as they should and are only testing one in a heap.

Plus they are offering CHEAP travel to Japan--and people are going there because they are unaware !!!!

Here is the site for "Maralinga"



lol PlanB  thanks alot 'cause sometimes ignorance is bliss. 2053 total nuclear explosions around the world 'eh and its such a nice mornin' here too.

I wondered why i caught a 3 eyed fish the other day

ps. wot vitamin tablet should i take to give me immunity and dont say all 'cause i dont wanna overdose or have fluro pee pee that glows in da dark

I wonder if there is anything that can be taken--I have heard of a few --but hell who knows--


Ignorance is what the powers that be what us to have--time we all stood up and demand the truth

Err well genres shape change within discussion groups and the post was more about health i guess, but i do write in tangents.  I didnt wanna make it political even though i did hear that through his contacts with the cia, Clive Palmreader got a job for a rellie. Its all hush hush now, but it seems that urine sampling takes place from under all our major cities and in fact from all over the world. Its labled, bottled and sent to a secret us underground installation. One result they look for is if it is mainly left, right or netural lol Its a true scientific way to forecast opinion polls apparently.


I liked the flow of thought and the lateral take on things.  I especially liked a whole paragraph and more to read.  :)

Now and then I take time away from all of the botherers, persuaders and spivs in the media.  When I do it is amazing, life is still fresh and life continues, much as it did before.

I read recently of a medical breakthrough by Australian researchers of a discovery that will likely decimate the incidencene of a dreadful childhood disesae.  I was lucky to see it because the media don't do that stuff because blood, tears, humiliation and strife sell papers and get audiences, or so they believe.

We have far too many newspaper hacks and too few journalists.  Too many politicians and too few statesmen.  The papers are tabloids and that is the emphasis of the electronic media.  Populations sit on the edge of their seats hyperventilating and frothing at the mouth alternatively, brought on by another shock, horror or devastating 'news' on the box.

I want to elect Barry Humphries as PM.  He has sufficient contempt for the role and he has already made his money.


Seggie. Yes, Barry Humphries would make an excellent P.M. He can see through those who wear the cloak of 'believe me, I tell the truth'.  I do not believe in many these days, sad to say but there it is. And now I have to be careful of eating Sushi, PlanB? Here I was, thinking I was being healthy eating Sushi which took a bit of getting used to the taste of seaweed. I didn't realise it all came from Japan.  With so many eating Sushi nowadays, what's wrong with some Australians using Aussie seaweed or is this too hard?  Do I continue to eat Sushi or KFC, Hungry Jacks or Maccas. 

I LOVE Sushi seggie--but have not eaten it since the Japan disaster--sea weed and such is the most highly contaminated--so many fish are too--and they migrate--that Nori the sea weed in the Sushi comes from Japan

Thnaks for the link Plan B to nucelar explosions - never knew that many had taken place!


BTW when I was in the British Army we did an exercise for nuclear war has happened etc down in one of the places where the government ministers would go all over the UK so one may survive etc to start over and the scientists down there - I was with ICorps - were telling us not to have anyuthing to do with microwave ovens which they said would be on the commerical market anytime soon. Also to make sure in future not to live under transformers in streets etc or have a clock radio close to bed head necause all use radiation which is cancer causing - also mentioned they thought a future communication would use micro waves and not to get close to the towers.

Must be the mobile ones today and they do say are close to schools and a risk but seems the governments today dont care but back then in the 60's this was the scientists knew so they did too.

anyway never have had a microwave oven because of that and of course since then problems with them and remember Hungry Jacks taking them all out as their workers were getting cancer in the throat due to opening them too soon etc. and went back to flame grilling as safer!  These things cook from the inside out so if you eat the food too soon and still cooking inside can cook your insides too they say!! Yuck - be careful not to eat until stood for 5 minutes or open it standing in front too soon too! Radiation is in all of our homes due to electricity circuit but safe enough due to low intake of rads but still we collect them daily and also in smoke dedectors of the cheap kind but not in the other kind which no one down here seems to sell so I often think how much are we taking in from these and then they get thrown out into the tips! Plus the fillings most of us have had mercury and toxic - too - no wonder so many cases of cancer around.


Val did you also look at these 2 sites---




Maybe people  who go bush and live off the land are doing the right thing but if we like progress for better or worse we can only do our best which in many cases is not a lot sadly.


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