Enhancing brain health beyond retirement

brain tree

The not-for-profit public seminar on Enhancing Brain Health Beyond Retirement is part of an initiative to prevent dementia.

Shani Lauf is a neuroscientist and Masters student at the Australian National University who has been given a fantastic opportunity by the ANU to offer this one-off event for the community. The seminar will be about simple, practical strategies people can use in their everyday lives to boost their brain health. While the event will be open to everyone, it is mostly suited for retirees or people close to retirement.

It will be held at the Canberra Southern Cross Club, on Monday 25 September 2:00-3:00pm. Tickets are only $10 and include light refreshments, they can be purchased here.

You can also email events@enhancebrainhealth.com for more information.

enhancing brain health poster


What about the thousands of people interested in this topic who live nowhere ner Canberra?  Any chance of us sharing the information with the lucky few who have access?

Yes, my thoughts exactly!

The researcher is from ANU

The student is from ANU 

maybe if the event is a successs , they may consider other cities , 

wil need sponsors and event has to be cost neutral at least for the organizers 


15 Best Brain Exercises to Prevent Alzheimer’s and Dementia

This is a rather interesting link ..click on picture


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