
A bit silly I reckon to be standing out in the middle of the water when people are shooting guns ....legally ... at water birds.
[quote]A PROTESTER has been shot in the face just hours after the opening of the controversial duck hunting season this morning.

Protester Julia Symons of Melburne suffered pellet injuries to her face, teeth and hand in a accidental shooting at Lake Buloke, 12km east of Donald in Victoria's west.

Witnesses say Ms Symons, 43, was waist-deep in water when she was shot by the hunter, believed to be aiming at a low-flying bird.[/quote]


Its about time they stopped this slaughter--and insane cruelty

Plan, first, I hate the thought of shooting the poor little ducks, but I do believe that most hunters are responsible shooters, and shoot to kill quickly.

What is of far more concern to me in relation to the treatment of animals, is the caging of laying hens, the tiny stalls that are home to pigs for most of their lives, the puppy farms which churn out hundreds of puppies every year in appalling conditions, leaving the bitches exhausted and close to death.

Even registered breeders do appalling stuff to their animals!

Underscoring a lot of this , is the fact that the RSPCA is so limited in their powers to do much, and I would like to see them given a lot more authority to prosecute and punish [i]all[/i] cruelty to animals.

I would like to see as much publicity given to all these things as is given to the ducks.

100% agree with that sentiment Koko. We spend far too much time being told why some people simply cannot abide by the rules of living within our society because they had a 'bad upbringing' etc.

Jan Cameron is, they say, making a difference to the RSPCA who actually down here don't do enough. She is now on the board. I hope so as they were not doing anything about ill treatment as we saw ourselves when the house next door was bought up by Housing Tasmania and made aboriginal housing to the delight of the cul de sac owners.

Had an example by the third tenant in 18 months when he and the family went walk about as they did often, leaving the dog alone in the back yard and a neighbour from over the back fence called in the RSPCA, and whose Inspector on being told by the neighbour on the far side from us that the tenants were abo's - didn't even go into the back yard to examine the dog who had no kennel but could shelter under the house where the door to it was left open on the side facing us.

We had previously called them out over another neighbour ill treating a puppy in his yard with all to see and hear the pitiful screaming - and another person also called the Police - neither did anything about this puppy. Who later disappeared and we suspected via the wheelie bin.

Anyway we had fed and watered all the various abo's dogs next door for months so never needed to call anyone as at least they had life support and if not a happy home were not beaten etc.

Really when I watch the RSPCA program on TV I think they are far too soft with people who ill treat animals and get really annoyed as do many others I suspect. Not enough deterrents in place by way of sentencing either even when they do take them to court.

A bit silly I reckon to be standing out in the middle of the water when people are shooting guns ....legally ... at water birds.

The laws were broken by both parties.

Wildlife officers have fined 17 duck-shooting protesters for illegally entering wetlands today, the second day of the season in Victoria.

The Department of Sustainability and Environment (DSE) fined 64 protesters and 23 hunters on Saturday.

The DSE says today's protesters were caught breaking the rules in the same place. Eleven hunters were fined for a range of breaches. (ABC)

Duck hunters are supposed to be able to identify birds , but apparently this 14 year old kid didn't know the difference between a duck and a person.


that woman who got shot, what a fool she was to go into the water while they were firing their guns ,she deserved what she got.

Don't stand in the ways of other peoples sports,I think duck shooting should be banned,

jesse j

"I am thoroughly sick and tired of activists"

I guess the ducks are thoroughly sick and tired of shooters. At least those ducks who have survived the slaughter of sporting rambos.

Too right Elderwoman, they should be getting their ducks from the supermarket where no animals are harmed - the blessings of food from your bubblewrap tree.

This is a democracy, there are plenty of avenues to make your opinion known. People have the right to go about their lawful business without being hindered and harassed by activists who are willing to break the law to get their own way.

fwed, "..apparently this 14 year old kid didn’t know the difference between a duck and a person."

What rubbish, wasn't the young fellow cleared by police? His property has been returned He appears to have been scapegoated by activists - a prime target they would think - and by sloppy journalism by a tabloid newspaper.

This retraction would have hurt the tabloid concerned. Of course retractions are never sensationalised like the original story and are unlikely to be read by the original audience. The newspaper doesn't say why its research was deficient in the first place. Nothing heard from the activists who mobbed and accused the young man, however that is only to be expected.

ON MARCH 20, 2011 the Sunday Herald Sun published an article about the accidental shooting of a duck protester at Lake Buloke the previous day.

The story included photographs of a 14-year-old boy who the Sunday Herald Sun said had fired the shot and taunted the victim.

The 14-year-old has since contacted the Sunday Herald Sun and informed us that he did not fire the shot or taunt the victim.

We acknowledge his version of events and unreservedly apologise to the boy for any hurt or embarrassment that the article caused.


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