Dog Rusty and the Phone

I don’t like disneyfication of animals; I don’t invest dog Rusty with human traits.
In our new surroundings the phone is in the front. When it rings I cannot hear it back in the garden. There are intervening walls jutting back and forth. The sound must do zigzags and is too weak when finally at my ancient ears.
And Rusty noticed.
Now, when I am in the garden and the phone rings, Rusty will come rushing out and run a circle around me. He has never done that before. He only does it for a ringing phone.
I don’t mention this because it’s so cute. I mention it because, according to science, the ability for abstract thought is meant to be a specific human trait. By having invented a symbol to convey a situation, Rusty has employed abstract thought.
Applause for Rusty.
He always had a thing about the phone. It’s on a long lead, and wherever I take it Rusty follows. If I were to place the phone in the freezer, Rusty might settle there. (There is a picture of him on duty at doing Answering Service).
My vet told me that Rusty’s cross between German Shepherd and Kelpie is becoming popular. It gets the best of both with a reputation for exceeding intelligence.
I anticipate that Rusty soon will talk. I dread the day. He will take his collar then and put it on me.
Greetings - Klaus and Rusty
Nature Wilderness Science


Rusty certainly is a treasure Klaus and loves you and would know he is doing you a service letting you know when the phone rings and so clever to have devised a plan all on his own.

I am sure you and he have many a good conversation regardless it is not actually in English but he understands you and you know Rusty talk by now :)

Hope you have both settled into your new home and enjoying every minute of your lives.

All the very best


Rusty sure looks like a wonderful friend--I know when I had Dogs I used to talk to them and I know they understood every word. We (most) don't give animals the credit they should be given about having feelings and their great intelligence, the are the very best friends you can have with unconditional love

My dog yodels, every time the phone rings. If I don't answer her yodel, she comes to me, places her head on my knees, runs back to the phone, with an excited look in her eyes. I know then that the phone is ringing. Dogs do understand the frailties of their carers.

Rusty certainly is a treasure Klaus and loves you and would know he is doing you a service letting you know when the phone rings and so clever to have devised a plan all on his own.

I am sure you and he have many a good conversation regardless it is not actually in English but he understands you and you know Rusty talk by now :)

Hope you have both settled into your new home and enjoying every minute of your lives.

All the very best



Hi Phyl, we have settled in - sort of.

Rusty still regards the back garden suspiciously as foreign territory. He has decided that it's Me, who has to adapt, not Him. That means 2 one-hour trots down to the park every day which he now regards as an acceptable compromise. Doesn't hurt me either.

He is gorgeous. I wish I was him.

Cheers - Klaus and Rusty

Rusty sure looks like a wonderful friend--I know when I had Dogs I used to talk to them and I know they understood every word. We (most) don't give animals the credit they should be given about having feelings and their great intelligence, the are the very best friends you can have with unconditional love


Hi PlanB, am not so sure if it's 'unconditional'. I am sure that Rusty has a pretty good deal going with me. I love that creature dearly... but there are sacrifices: I can't visit National Parks; I can't go to the beach; I can't go to the cinema. Rusty knows all that. In return he tells me when the phone rings.

Cheers - Klaus and Rusty.

My dog yodels, every time the phone rings. If I don't answer her yodel, she comes to me, places her head on my knees, runs back to the phone, with an excited look in her eyes. I know then that the phone is ringing. Dogs do understand the frailties of their carers.


Oh Bev, your yodeler and Rusty would make a great pair. Aren't dogs wonderful people?

Greetings from Rusty and me.


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