Do you remember?

Do you remember your first culinary disaster? I still do. I'd been married about 2 years, when I decided that this year, I would make THE Christmas pudding. Got all the ingredients together and one day, about this time of year, mixed it all up - it looked good and smelled great. I'd had the copper going for a couple of hours, so put the mix into a cloth and dropped it into the boiling water. Several hours later, I poured the mix into a baking tray and shoved it into a pre-heated oven - maybe it would make a Christmas cake. No such luck - after several hours in the oven, I poured all the now gluggy stuff into the bin. I must admit that I've never since tried to make either a pudding or a cake - it has been cheaper to buy one.


My 1st one was at school when I made gravey and it was like rubber--I had put too much corn flour in it--The other one was not that long ago--I had visitors staying and had cooked nice meals for them for a week--and the night b4 they were to leave I coooked some yummy banana fritters--always a winner--and had served them up spinkeled with icing sugar--I THOUGHT--BUT is was BI CARB--they were in the same container nad I had not looked at the label--they tasted dreadful..

I remember telling my son, before he moved out of home, that savoury, went with savoury. He took that literally. Tried to mix Baked Beans with Sardines! I then had to tell him that Baked Beans were in a class of their own - never mix them with anything, except bread.

Yes good advise--

Boy I made some spelling mistakes in that last post of mone

Who carews about spelling erros! grate to hav u r yu her with us

LOL thanks Bev


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