Do you agree with these bold Federal Budget statements?

thoughtful man holds chin and looks pensively

How happy are you with the Federal Budget measures for older Aussies?

"Retirees welcome the allocation of more funding in the Federal Budget to improve the quality and safety of the aged care system and some additional measures to retirement savings,” says President of the Association of Independent Retirees (AIR) Wayne Strandquist.

Does he speak for you?

"It is pleasing to see the Budget allocation to lift the standards of residential aged care and reduce the abuse in aged care homes," said Mr Strandquist.

"The additional 80,000 new home care packages are welcomed as the waiting lists will be reduced substantially. Many retirees have been waiting for extended periods and will now have access to the care they need. AIR has been seeking to reduce the waiting list for each of the 4 levels of care offered."

Do you agree?

"Retirees welcome the measures in the Federal Budget to improve retirement savings for retirees and those approaching retirement," said Mr Strandquist.

"The improved flexibility by removing the work test for non-concessional contributions to superannuation over age 65 will be of considerable assistance to retirees who were not able to accumulate sufficient superannuation while working. 

"Lowering the age for downsizer contributions from 65 to 60 years will also assist empty-nesters boost their superannuation as they prepare for retirement.

"The past year has been difficult for retirees partly or fully self-funding their own retirement with next to zero interest rates on cash investments, lower company dividends, and lower rental income. It is pleasing to see some superannuation reforms announced in the Budget and the expectation of the economy continuing to recover from the coronavirus pandemic."

Do you agree with Mr Strandquists statements? Why not tell us what you really think of Federal Budget 2021-22?

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No , don't agree, I think all in all it was a pretty boring run of the mill Liberal Budget.

All one sided. What of the pensioners who have no super? or don't want to downsize. Oh bad luck do one or the other than we will consider helping you - pee off, I will do without you and any of your help or hindrance.

Many pensioners didn't have 'superannuation', superannuation was a sneaky move by governments after they pillaged the Old Age Pension Scheme worth $ billions to force employers to fund Superannuation for their employees, but many companies closed, many funds were abused and wrecked by fund managers who 'disappeared' with the funds.
The worst scenario is that current politicians and the head con-man do not in any way appreciate, or even consider that pensioners in the past and present worked hard, paid taxes to create one of the best countries in the world until recent and current governments are slowly decimating Australia, and it began when our manufacturing industries were transferred to Asian countries, worse still is one of those countries, China have been given open opportunities to buy pieces of Australia and businesses, so why did good work their as**ses of, and people died in wars to protect the freedom of Australians and Australia. 

Well said Mak, and right.

I am more inclined to believe that Scomo is the lead up to the Anti-christ, and he setting everything in place. A passport that says you have had the covid injection. Make it impossible to do anything without the injection. Ignoring the voice of the people when it comes to no mines/gas etc. This guy is acting like a one man band, and is accountable to no one!

I agree with both Mak & BeeMee --I never had any super at all I worked long and hard and bought my home --PLUS looked after my Mother AND my husband while they were dying -- so had to have time off work to do that & also stayed at home with my son till he went to school.


There is NO way I will be downsizing or living anywhere except where I saved long and hard to get

Re the budget -- it was a disgrace -- throwing money willy nilly after it had been taken away a few years ago    (trying to make out they are doing good)   and it is money over MANY years nothing that is going to happen NOW

It's all about looking like he (scumo) is doing the right thing --well he is NOT

The changes are good for some but offer nothing to others. It all depends on your circumstances.

In any case the changes bring more rules to an already over complicated system so I think things could have been done better.

I don't agree with the statement regarding aged care. At this point all that has happened has been the promise of more money and promises have been made often in the past few years but with zero delivery on them.

Aged care needs regulation along with more money. More and better qualified staff would be a start. Better food would also be a good thing and just chucking $10 a head per day may never result in better meals unless the Government step in police it. Those controls must not be farmed out to private contractors.

Agree, agree. You should all be downsizing - a tent is good enough and will save the taxpayer a lot of money. 


A typical sh!t stirrer - like to see your grandparents live in a tent, or if old enough your parents. You have just made it blatantly obvious the respect you have for your parents - to expect ALL to downsize and knowing full well that many here are Seniors. No running water, no electricity, no warmth or cooling, no decent cooking.

This is the last comment to be made with Lucca. In future I shall be ignoring your stupidity even if you come up with something more intelligent.


I live in a tent Beemee and I have running water- a live stream running by. I got two storm lamps from Bunnings and I live with nature. You complain too much -not surprising so many of the elderly have arthritis. Please do not use bad language to me, it is offensive.

The Budget made no mention of the Age Pension, and the Opposition was silent also. Further proof that

the political establishment (manipulated by the psychopathic megacorporations), want to continue the dismantling

of the scheme. Next election should be revealing, given the growing number of impoverished elderly voters.

Perhaps the cross-bench will be strengthened enough to moderate the excesses of this Government. As long as

people receiving the OAP are still allowed to vote.


I think they are all in it to line their own pockets but the Labour has more heart than any Liberals ever did


I wonder what would happen if everyone voted for none of them?????

There are good hearted people on all sides of Parliament. If a majority of people exercised a donkey vote,

the political extremists would emerge from the shadows. They would very quickly abolish the right

to vote. Politics is not about taking sides, rather it is about getting good legislation.



Well Early, that would mean that good legislation (law) it must be in the interest of the PEOPLE and also reasonable,

I can not see this government doing any such thing



It was disappointing to see even more funding given to Defence, given the sloppy submarine program.

They reckon these subs will be obsolete by the time they are finally built.  The cost has already blown out,

which was predictable given the historical corruption involved with the purchase of military hardware.

In thirty years, the navy will be using them for target practice, and their usefulness meanwhile will have

been nil.  For this kind of money, almost every homeless dude in Australia could have been given a roof.

Another heavy frost tonight, but knowing the government has its priorities right, should warm the hearts

of even the most wretched citizen.

Too true Early. Incompetent lot in Canberra.

My bitch with them are as follows and this is only a few points.

1. They can't decide what damn vaccine to use for Co-vid? - more money thrown away.

They can't decide between France and now Germany who will build the submarines. Cash down the tube.

They throw money around like confetti, and all in the wrong places initially and then swap and change.

They are throwing 600 million to gas exploration.

They are touting coal mines.

Are they so stupid in Government not to see the writing on the wall that Coal is dying (how many have moved to renewable with battery storage), gas is dying (how many cars have had the LPG gas removed and gone back to petrol or moved to electric). Would it been more sensible to have increased the low earners? Pensioners for example and NOT those who have a million in Super to set them up for later in life, it would be only to those who have NO super, NO investments, NO shares etc. Because this Canberra lot need to realize that WE the PENSIONERS spend money. Most seniors can no longer climb up on the roof, build or do major repairs - so what do we do? call in tradesmen. We spread the wealth, only those with heaps of dough make it flat to stack - pensioners make it round to go round.

Agree Beemee. You have raised a few issues. Superannuation is a con and a rort. Looking at the numbers

of people employed in the whole financial "industry", it leads me to realise that most of the funds invested

are gobbled up by ridiculously large salaries and, even worse, executive bonuses of such magnitude they

would make a single mother cry. At the end of the day, the returns to investors are only modest, and

all the money contributed to super would have been more wisely spent directly on pensioners and ordinary

battlers. As you say, people whose needs are greatest will spend largely and locally. Sadly, the Opposition

as well as the Government, are now spruiking about superannuation. Both sucked in by the greed that

underpins this nonsense. Age Pension is the best post-working life support system. Payment direct to those

who need it, and not via the corporate "takers".

Superannuation is a necessity. We should all provide for our old age, that is the honourable thing to do. Please stop whinging Early.

Tell that to a casually employed age care worker, jumping from shift to shift never knowing their future.

No security of employment, no chance to accrue super. Their compulsory super contributions should go

into the government superannuation scheme, that is the age pension fund via taxation the way it used

to be. A dependable age pension is better than the false promises of the superannuation industry spin.

Look outside your own bubble.

Yea Early.....There's also those of us who never had Super being offered to us. By the time it came it was about 3% of ones wages (I think it was), we were so close to retirement that it would not have helped. Many are in the same boat. All Super does now is assisting the younger generation in having a fistful when they retire. Well at least they think it will. I am in no doubt we will have an "Iron Lady" scenario sooner than later here in Australia. For the uninitiated, she drained everyone's Super when she was PM in the UK.

If anyone thinks it wont happen here, think again. We are massively in debt now, to the tune of $443 billion thanks to the idiot we now have in charge.

Where in the hell is he getting all this money from? Too many out of work to pay taxes, Big business lie through their teeth and pay buggar all tax, so where's it coming from?

Cripes I remember when Malcolm Fraser was Prime Minister and when voting came around to be re-elected, someone let the cat out of the bag that Australia was in debt for 10 million, so he was never voted back in. Someone is bound to vote this klutz back in as PM again in about 12 months time. Now look at the mess we are in? Our grandchildren and great grandchildren will end up paying for it for years to come. If you have Super, put it away safe for your kids or grandkids so they can pay our debt and still live comfortably, but maybe not overly so.

I never had super when I was working --but I paid my taxes --

This dimwit is spending like crazy because he can and it will be on the next one that gets in to look after it --God help us --because the amount of money Morrison has thrown around and has NFI how the hell it is supposed to work -- he just spruiks off like a typical salesman and those that don't follow him through think he is great -- well follow what he is up to and he is not and never will be a leader

We got a little at the end of working life, but so pathetic you couldn't even buy a car with it.

The only leadership this moron has is to be the lead up to the antichrist.

He's not a leader but a follower of....gas companies, electricity companies. mining companies, etc.

Look now what he has done. China may well pull out of importing our iron ore, its a 60% they import and worth $150 billion this year. Now how will he recoup the bucket loads of cash he has tossed around like confetti to all and sundry? There 600 million to the gas fields in NSW. Hes requesting businesses to start mining or something and will give them 250 million if they do. All he is doing is putting us deeper in debt and not fixing nothing. Who will pay for this in bigger heavier taxes? US! and no doubt a rise in GST will be set in concrete rather than a passing fantasy or wishful thinking.

I agree with Early and BeeMee -- this government is hopeless in EVERYWAY and couldn't lead a horse to water -- Morrison is all about photo ops and making big statements that he never does a bloody thing about -- he is a smirking /arrogant/ignorant maggot.

Yes so much money wasted on defense and the stuff ordered was out of date before it was ordered -- same as the ferries and trains -- can't fit under our bridges -- MORE money wasted --this lot are hopeless and need to be GONE

Scomo couldn't organise a bunkup in a brothel.

I won't be voting for him and if I move before the voting comes round, I definitely wont vote for the arrogant swine.

Even Penny Wong has titled him arrogant and carrying a smirk. She is pissed because Scomo isn't treating theCanberra rape case with any seriousness. Bet the little Sh!t would scream from the highest point in Canberra if his wife or girls were raped. He would do a fast turn around than. Bloody creep he is. So much for being a Christian, I have more Christianity in my little finger than he has in his whole body.

I wish I could put up some pics here that I have had for a few weeks or so about Morrison, so darn accurate.

It frightens me that a PM can be caught up in such that he is so enamored with his --religion -- and his best friend in there is a pedophile protector and he will be also be running our country with his strange religious beliefs 

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