Did Julia represent us at her best?

Not actually Politics but just in General Conversation :)

What do others think?

I feel with the Queen being 85 years of age and our Queen for 60 years or so Julia >representing all of us so not just herself as our Prime Minister could,  and even maybe should, have curtsied

and showed legs re a skirt or dress and definitely a hat,  out of respect for the Queen and also respect for us whom she is representing.

Others may have the view none of the above are a necessity,

as times are changing and I would agree,  if it was say Camilla

or Kate, (not actually up on whether the spouse is given a curtsy or bow anyway)   but the Queen is Old School and deserves that standard and sure my humble opinion.

All  the best



Julia's pig ignorance, arrogance and lack of breeding showing again.  The awful Katy Gallagher, Chief Minister of the Australian Capital Territory did the same as Gillard and her behaviour was woeful for the senior politician representing the nation's capital, a city loaded with diplomatic missions.

Gillard deliberately snubbed the Dalai Lama too, by not even seeing him.

Still, for someone who would sneak about the bushes to bushwack her leader and not even be honest to his face, what else can be expected?

Are these the much vaunted feminine wymmin strengths that feminists claim women bring to leadership positions?  Or (what is more likely), are narcissists -male and female- more advantaged by their egocentrism, scheming and lack of concern for others in getting to the top?

Well the Queen has sure kept a good name through out her 60 years--and b4--unlike many others in "top" jobs--but I wouldn't have her job for all the money in the world


BTW I am  not a royalist.


I think Gillard was polite --maybe didn't bow but she doesn't believe in that in any case

Respect in  general is in many cases a thing of the past but I find

it sad as I love a man opening the door for me and children

(although I would prefer to stand and not have a child balancing on a bus or tram) :)

giving their sea to an adult and the list goes on and I get a kick out of

the wonderful senior gent. tipping his hat to ladies in a shop down our way

(He is not actually wearing a hat but it is the gesture of him wearing one)

I have always believed I am as good as anyone but nobody less than me

and have to admit I like many of the niceties  of life and regret lots

of things passing I taught my kids, and they are now teaching theirs

(not all of course). I hate the "F" word brandied around every day.

Yes I would wear a hat and a dress and curtsie just a little bit to

Queen Elizabeth. I would not feel a lesser human being for doing

so though, and agree if anyone feels they would be looked down on

doing anything in this world I agree dont. :)

It is a matter of choice to a huge degree unless we are representing

our Country and it's people :)  and then it is (once again my opinion)

consideration of what the masses would want.

All the best


Queen Elizabeth is the Queen of Australia as well as the Queen of England, P.M. Gillard is the Queens Prime Minister and as such she is correct when she says she was given a choice. But....I have, and would again, curtsey to her. So, for the Australians who haven't bothered to learn the facts of this wonderful Country, Queen Elizabeth is not some foreign monarch. Sevi

I do not know much about the monachy but I do know that our Queen would not be Queen if she had a younger brother. Who could have respect for a system that discriminates so. I believe the Empire/Commonwealth has been very well served by QE11 as we are being well served by our current Prime Minister, Jullia Gillard.

Mariners have no trouble flying the flag of the host country when in a foreign port.  That is what etiquette is, showing respect for others.  It is NOT supposed to be about strutting your own stuff and certainly not any false pride or bigotry.

As a man I see humility and respect as manly strengths and the women I have always sought to be near in my life see it the same, but as feminine strengths.  These are human strengths, always present in civil society.

That dolt Gillard was trying to be a 'man' by bowing, which is the etiquette appropriate for a man for that head of state.  That is the coarse but effective brand of feminism that has always won advantages for Gillard and careerists like her, but of course such 'feminism' is a corruption of feminism anyhow. at least as far as many women are concerned.  But then Gillard's feminism would never contemplate such obvious good ideas as better town planning, improved transport and so on that would really help women, because she could never conceive of women preferring different choices in life to her, or being much older or younger. 

In fact Gillard is just another narcissist, totally preoccupied with herself.  Which is of course why she couldn't find it in her to show a mite of respect even for a woman who has achieved so much in her life through her ubnstinting public service (Get that Julia? Public service, how novel!).  On the other hand Gillard is to the front in comparing herself with the queen in speeches (both women says Julia), to bask in the limelight to claim some authenticity from a gracious human with the intestinal strength and commitment she (Julia) doesn't have herself.  That is so false and fraudulent.

BTW, when is Julia going to show some 'commitment' (so lacking in men they say) and make an honest man out of Tim (sorry, she uses the diminutive Timmy).

Nautilus, You mention intestinal strength but not your name. You have no etiquette describing our Prime Minister as a "dolt". How many of the women you have sought to be near in your life did you show commitment to. Are you a narcissist yourself. No you are a nobody who spits the dummy when you don't get your own way. You seem to be a stupid fellow, blockhead, slow witted DOLT

I have great respect for the Queen, but I am not a Royalist and do not believe in the British Heredity Aristocracy.  We were all created equal.  Julia Gillard was correct in not bowing to her.  Deb.

If all are so equal as you say, why did she bow at all?


It is etiquette, yet Gillard wanted to be a man.

You are all too stupid to even make an attempt to educate you to common manners.


Davey, As you are no doubt from the old dart you are not stupid, not like those other poms who sent our ancestors out here as convicts. If they were bright, they would have made the journey here and left the convicts there..

Common manners here in Australia dictate we Australians bow to nobody, even the Queen of Australia.

Ms Gillard was right not to curtsey (who does that unless you're a ball room dancer??! What age do you people live in?!).

 For all the forelock tuggers out there ... P.M. Gillard represents Australian people, and for many of the more enlightened it would be abhorrent to see our Prime Mininster curtesying to a foreign Queen. Respect yes, obsequious fawning, no.

And for those of you who go on about respect, Have some! Our Prime Minister's name is Prime Minister Julia Gillard, or Ms Gillard, or Julia Gillard- not Julia !  Like it or not, while she is in the role of OUR Prime Minister she warrants more respect from us than we owe to the Queen of another country.

As an 85 yr old lady, the Queen gets my respect, but that extends to courtesy, not the abject baying and fawning that starts whenever the monarchists get a whiff of Royalty. Have some self-respect!!


etty...learn about your own Country, Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth is the Queen of Australia and Prime Minister Julia Gillard can be sacked by her if (I hope not) nescessary. Sevi


You are welcome to show your courtesy as you will.  However julia Gillard is PM and royalty visit at her request and state occasions are subject to her approval.

If one is to show etiquette at all (and if not why jockey to meet royalty or heads of state in the first place), the question is which is the appropriate etiquette, a bow or curtsey.

The etiquette is that men bow and women curtsey. Equally ships fly the flag of the host country from the starboard yardarm of the fore mast.  That is a courtesy that is honoured.  Not to do so reflects on the buffoon pretending to be a captain.  But I have yet to heard of any such idiot, who would be instantly castigated by his own countrymen.

To flip the etiquette to do what men instead is not to show individualism, it is to deliberately make some inappropriate political point (radical feminism in this case I would warrant), or because one is a complete muffin.

Making some cheap political point at the expense of a visiting dignitary is disrespectful.  

Besides, a very large majority of Australians respect the Queen and it would be respectful of the community she represents for the PM Gillard to comply with the community's wishes.

Do you think it was wrong for the Governor-General to curtsy and if so why?

I should have added that Tony Abbott forgot and pumped the Queen's arm up and down in a handshake more suited to a visiting rugby captain but at least he got the rest right.

Two politicians, Julia and Tony, both more worried about the political points they might score out of hobnobbing with the Queen than they are about being welcoming hosts and representing the Australian people.  Not so sure I would take either Julia or Tony home if I won 'em in a chook raffle.  Nah, take the chook, it is useful.  Doesn't cr@p in its nest either and that is a bonus.

I feel most Aussies really don't care about this sort of protocol, but it seems to be important to some. I think Julia bowing her head was quite fitting for the occasion.


I hear what you are saying but the Queen was invited and she did come, so the least one could expect is that she would be treated respectfully. 

Labor might trash royalty but when it comes down to scoring political cachet from a visit they are no slouches in extending an invitation.

Bob Brown displays similar hypocrisy.  The Greens hate royalty, but Brown made a request for the Queen to visit Tasmania.

If I invite you to my home you can be confident that I would not go out of my way to disrespect you in any way.


I still want to know why the bow and not the bob and did the Governor-General Quentin Bryce let the radical feminists down (hiss) because she bobbed and more than once.

As far as most are concerned, Quentin Bryce tried to make the Queen feel comfortable by extending to her the correct courtesy (and a jolly nice smile as well).  The act is centered upon making the other person feel comfortable and it is wrong of a politician to try to convert it into political point scoring for personal benefit.


BTW, what etiquette did the Best Bloke follow, or didn't he get to meet the Queen publicly?  If he didn't that would be a shame because male PMs are accompanied by their wives for such occasions.

Yes Tim ws there to meet the Queen

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