define a "battler"

How would you define a "battler"? A recent edition of the Melbourne "Herald Sun" newspaper described how "average Australian battlers" were resorting to shoplifting and stealing petrol (filling their tanks and driving off without paying) to enable them to pay their mortages and living expenses. My idea of a battler is somebody who regardless of his hardships and troubles maintains his self respect and integrity and will lower his standard of living if neccesary to uphold these princples. Am I so old fashioned. Or does someone who turns to crime to maintain a sometimes inflated life-style really be called a battler


When will the Media report facts instead of fiction ...........they make me spit with their distortion of events and situations..........Your description is very good and Wikipedia have extra comments for us to read

You may have read it but just in case

Hi Clay,

Hadn't seen the Wikepea entry before you gave me the link. Thanks. I think it sums my definition, rather than the media's.

My idea of a battler is somebody who regardless of his hardships and troubles maintains his self respect and integrity and will lower his standard of living if neccesary to uphold these princples. Am I so old fashioned.


No you are not old fashioned that is just what a battler is--

Hi Clay,

Hadn't seen the Wikepea entry before you gave me the link. Thanks. I think it sums my definition, rather than the media's.

Yes you did a good job with your definition .keandha


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