Cycling 4,500 kms across Australia - fundraising for the Heart Foundation!!

Cycling across Australia for the Heart Foundation.

Perhaps a posting that is a little bit different from "normal" - but I thought I would "share" how I am starting my retirement!!!

Today I fly from Brisbane to Perth - have 2 days to get everything organised - and then at 10:00 am on Thursday 31st March - I will set off on my bike ride across Australia from Scarborough beach - Western Australia - heading east to Scarborough in Qld. It should be about 4,500 kms, and take me 6 weeks. I intend to ride for 6 days in a row and then have a rest day - repeat that 6 times and I should be close to "home".

The path I will take on the first day is across Perth to the suburb of Redcliffe and a stop for a photo at Morgan Park. How amazing that there is also a Morgan Park here on the Redcliffe Peninsula, Queensland.

After that - its off to Northam - and a fair few hill climbs I hear!! Nothing like a testing first day!!

If there is anyone in Perth who fancies riding with me on Thursday morning - I'd love it - if so just rock up to Scarborough beach ready to leave at 10:00 am - it would be great!!!

If anyone is interested in following the path I will take - check out my website below.

Cheers - Slacko

[url=]My Website[/url]


Riding a bike seems a hard way for a Kiwi to get from one side to the other - but all the best for your effort to help a worthy cause , and good luck.

Good luck with your trip Slacko, I hope you have plenty of muscles in your legs, you will need them getting up Greenmount hill :). A good cause that you are helping. Cheers.

Well done Slacko, not a good name for someone with your ambition, and good luck, looking forward to hearing how you go , stay safe . Wobbly


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