Cultures of every Country!

The beauty of all the Countries coming together for the Olympic Games is people learing about
the cultures of other Countries. The Competitors and visitors keep in contact with people from every corner of the world and that has to be a good thing.
This World we share is not all that big! and no matter from where we originate we all bleed the same colour blood!
We may not agree on different aspects of another Country but as long as we try and educate ourselves to their ways while doing what we feel right in our own Country the World will be and in fact is, a Wonderful place until we go to where we are destined :)

China, albeit we have differences of opinions of what any other Country does,( as criticism of every Country including Australia of course will always be),
has done a wonderful job and is to be applauded - thank you China.......
(sorry tomorrow is the last day) but the closing ceremony to look forward to! and The Opals today.
Have a lovely Saturday as today never returns.


Having a real smile tonight.

Just starting to watch the Swans play Collingwood - I am not over the moon watching footy. but because Peter LOVES the Swans and all Aussie rules actually I watch it with him as he is SO worth it lol - anyway there was a citizenship ceremony (not sure why at the footy) but anyway every person along with his/her plaque received a Collingwood Goody Bag. Really funny but hey nice anyway.

All the best


p.s. but er Collingwood??????lol

The only problem I can see with that is that they must be Collingwood supporters and they are going to be allowed to breed. There should be a law against it. :-))

Jade, that was sooooo politically incorrect....I LOVE IT. As far as political correctness is concerned, I am all for "BRING BACK THE BIFF" People are taking life far too seriously these days, and we are losing the Aussie sense of humour.

Funny! funny!

And many many senior folk do have a sense of humour and do not deserve the

handle "grumpy old men and women" self centred and impatient with everything!!

and grizzling a lot :)

It's rather funny as when we get older we expect people to have more patience with us

so maybe if we also take an interest in all aspect of living we will make it - hey

I know many over 50's interested in heaps of things and not just "grizzle grumps"

er um you know kfchugo I do really think "The Biff" is there but just a bit more

surrepticiously executed lol

Back to watching the Opals on tape and they are wonderful as the Americans are also.


The only problem I can see with that is that they must be Collingwood supporters and they are going to be allowed to breed. There should be a law against it. :-))


LOL :)))))


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