
I can see why people have chosen not to post on this site. Anyone with any intelligence gets berated for wanting to discuss current affairs. To interrupt a conversation (which is what we are having) with inane comments is extremely rude. There are forums set up for those people who are not interested in current affairs, but do they use them, no, they prefer to butt in and cause division between posters.

No wonder the formation of a seniors party never got off the ground, sticking together is not something that certain people on this site seem capable of. I would point out that it is possible to be happy and still be interested in a good debate about serious topics.

How about practicing good manners when conversing on this site, and don't butt in with irrelevant and inane comments.


Maybe you should join a site that has rules to say what you can post and where you can post it.

Complaining won't help.

I have not seen any rules that covers what you are complaining about.

Just relax and enjoy & stop worrying about small things.

I am enjoying this site, it is nice to be frivolous and funny at times, and also good to be able to discuss more serious topics.

I have learnt things about climate change and global warming, plus taken a couple of tips about using the computer.

Please let us not be too pedantic about who and why we use this site, I personally enjoy everyone's company.

It took a while to find this site and let me tell you some of the others are either unfriendly or very rude and aggressive. We have a good outlook here I think.

Maybe you should join a site that has rules to say what you can post and where you can post it.

Complaining won't help.

I have not seen any rules that covers what you are complaining about.

Just relax and enjoy & stop worrying about small things.


.I don't think Pommy was talking about rules, just good manners. Something that most of us complain is lacking in the younger generation. Maybe we should look to our own generation as well.

Posted by Pommy:- they prefer to butt in and cause division between posters.

No wonder the formation of a seniors party never got off the ground,

How about practicing good manners when conversing on this site, and don’t butt in with irrelevant and inane comments.

Posted: 20 December


Yaretzi here. May I just say

1. How can anyone "butt in" everyone starts a new post yes? we just do not read what we do not want. Read said post or don't read said post. I could see you point of view if people were writing within a post but each post is separate as far as I can see?

2. Innes has ASP up and running. Pommy maybe do not be so mean spirited. Also have a look as Innes is asking people to join so it is on the way. Admins. know what they are doing trully they do.

3. What is inane to you is not to others again with all due respect. Irrelevant? and Inane? pffff lol.

Life IS for living and having a bit of a laugh and also in forgiving and accepting. Who cares what anyone posts or where.

I love this place and also grateful when I knocked was allowed to enter.

I say anyone posting is good so be kind surely.

As Keandha said, I was talking about good manners and respect. I am all for a good laugh, but not in the middle of a serious discussion about global warming or whatever. However, we all interpret comments as we wish, and you have the right to express your views on my post, even if you did miss the point. I was not advocating that we introduce rules.

All I'm suggesting is that we respect each others views and if we're not interested in the subject, don't read it, but don't introduce comments that are not relevant to the post. It is very frustrating to log into a post to see where it is going, to find that the subject has changed totally. If someone posted "Let's have a chat" then I would accept that anything goes, and would not have a problem if the "conversation" went from one subject to another.

Tis a worry isn't it.

Here we are solving the world's problems and someone comes in and quotes the price of milk.

Well that does not worry me as we are all free to post whether we abide by Pommy's rules or not.

Lighten up , there are enough dooms dayers around already.

I do say sorry to anyone who is upset because I talk here as I would to friends around the kitchen table.

We can have a couple of friends enjoying a glass of anything or a cup of tea or coffee and go from on topic to the other

licketty split and everyone can be serious or laughing and changing topic or mood any time. Everyone speaks but we do not necessarily HAVE to stay on any one subject, but I will try really hard to do better.

:) :) Not promising anything though I do have to say, as I really believe I was born this way.

All the best

Off for an Oppy. Day now.


Please do not change Phyl.

If people do not like you or me or any other member on this forum - they can just get over it.

amd not read that person's posts - very easy answer to that.

The ball is in each one's own court it's up to them and believe me having been around a bit :) not every person likes or gets along with every person ever. We all should be tolerant and happy for whatever is posted and we do have the choice to read or not read and as far as "off topic" and the person reading cannot get back "on topic" trully it is just a matter of writing your own text and back it all comes - not rocket science now is it Pommy?


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