Christmas expenses

How do others cope on a limited budget at this time of year? Buying Christmas presents for instance?


Yes Phyl,

I am excited.  Seeing as the surprise is on Olivia i think it would take a very big box to hide me in. LOL

I used to make and airbrush paint statues as my business.  When I go around I look in gardens to see if anyone has any I made.  I used to age some of the big ones as well.

One bit of news is that Olivia  is officially our Grandaughter now.  The adoption came up in court Friday.  Usually it takes 6 months for it to be official after the court date but the Judge said she had no hesitation whatsoever about the adoption and would sign the papers for it to commence immediately.  So she is over the moon about that.

So it will make the trip even more worthwhile.

And as for Seth, I'll have no shoddy workmanship here.  Concrete has to be spot on or he will end up in the concrete.

Sandykay never has my concreteing been called shoddy,

That has upset me and resulted in a terrible depression

attack. It is only a short time ago a gentleman married to

nagging women, rang ,and thanked me fcr the concrete

swimming pool I had installed for him, apparently while

nagging, she fell into the concrete pool and disappeared.

He said my idea of liquid concrete turned out better than

he could have hoped, much better than water.

Seth's concrete is more sloppy than shoddy I reckon you can wade in it but it ias a bit too thick to swim, and too sloppy to set


Good luck with your precious baby visit Sandy

Now I'm off to Gerry's place would be lovely if some of our mates joined us there  , It is very lonely lately and Gerry deserved better I think

Thanks Dusty TadpoleI will really enjoy the visit.

Enjoy yourself at Gerry's place  I would come too but am otherwise

occupied for the next 3 weeks.

Sandy thank you for the lovely Christmas Wishes and I will talk to you when you get back from spoiling Olivia and the family. Friday is looming so expect you are all packed and SO excited. I seem to remember Gerry saying he was going to New Zealand some time back now and around the time you are. You could be on the same plane :)

Have a lovely trip. I look forward to pics. when you return. Just very special how Olivia is officially theirs now and such a darling but of course she always was just the official bit hey.


I have always loved painting whether it be hankies/doileys  or large statues but never air brushed and certainly could not make statues :) although once I dabbled with silica/rubber stuff? and made a mould of a dog and filled it with plaster lol but that was my whole experience. Lots of fun things to do in this life arn't there. 

Take care and stay safe and have a wonderful time.


Posted sparkles

How do others cope on a limited budget at this time of year? Buying Christmas presents for instance?


Some years ago, all our friends and family made pacts to stop gift giving, as we are all in the same boat financially.


Everone gets a card but only the under 18's get  a pressie , Igave up on the hot dinners years ago plenty os salads and cold meats , and I ce cream and fruit and chockies if anyone wants them and all on throww away plares , no dishes to wash for the main part . suits us fine ,but not for everyone I guess

A pic of Seth's hand.

Seth's last concrete customers..

Tadpole's family at Christmas......

Zapot is back with his dishonourable attacks on rhe resident concreter.

He has been away that long I thought he had been in prison.


Hey that looks like the bugga's too Zapotit's the only time I can get them out of their Hill Billy gear .Yee   Haa!

Seth playing Santa

Iwonder why Seth is running away????

Santa was doing his pre-christmas checks.

The naughty Elves were on strike again for more fairy floss and chocolates.

Santa checked the reindeer paddock but the door was open,three had run away, two were in season and one was lame. It was not a good day for Santa.

The sleigh had some wood rot in it so Santa phoned the chippy to come and fix it but he could not come until boxing day. Geesh this really is it a bit of a bad luck day thought the great man but I can't let the kids down.

He walked back to the house to look in the yellow pages for other tradesmen but he opened the door and saw all the smoke inside. Mrs Clause had burnt the Christmas cake.

Bugger shouted Santa....I'm going to have a stiff drink. He poured a large scotch and put his feet up. There was a knock on the door. He walked over to open it.

It was the Fairy who told him the Christmas tree has just been delivered and asked where would you like it Santa. He told the Fairy to shove the &#%!#ing tree right up his ^*+#$:ïng ?"#!$#.

To this very day because of this you will always find the Fairy on the very top of a Christmas tree.


Hahaha!! Hohoho!........Good one!!

Oh to be a child again watching the kids faces at Myer's Christmas Windows and the counting the days until Christmas. If people never lose sight of the reason for Christmas and do not spend beyond their means (saving all along the year helps with this) Christmas can be a magic time for everyone. To me things to look forward to make  life so enjoyable even in adulthood. 

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