China 'playing God' with missiles

In an effort to counteract the most devasting heatwave in 60 years, China is launching missiles into clouds

China has been plagued by severe drought for weeks and the country is at a breaking point with consistent 40'C days. The power grid is strained due to the high demand for air conditioning in the country, along with reduced water levels affecting hydropower plants. 

To combat the current weather conditions, China has been launching small rods into clouds this week that go on to form ice crystals which encourage more rain to form.

Do you think we should be making such big changes to our ecosystem as to encourage more rainfall?


Cloud seeding theory has been around since 1891 when Louis Gathmann, a German American engineer, suggested shooting liquid carbon dioxide into rain clouds to cause them to rain.

A long history.

If it proves effective, why not try it.


I saw exactly that on one of the episodes of "My Favorite Martian"

... seemed to work there :)

The science 'strongly suggests' manufacturing may be behind the warming of the planet. But we'll fire some rods into the sky and sort that out, won't we, China?

Well, well well, another global warming "fact". You're right in one part, LeonYLC, in that scientists are strongly suggesting ideas that are put forward without proof and they give out different scenarios assuming temperatures that may rise. The sad part is that these unproven theories are taken up as the gospel truth by doomsayers and chicken little types who claim the world will end by 2030 unless we keep paying money to the so-called "experts".

Regular contributors in this forum well know my thoughts on climate change. Yes, there is indeed climate change and it's a regular cycle since the Earth has cooled and proved by geologists from scientific studies which have been universally accepted. Humans have contributed to global warming and it has generally been accepted when scientific proof is called for at about 3%. If we think about that percentage and the ridiculous need to save the planet with zero emissions by 2050 then the climate will only be changing by 97%. Countries have been paying $billions for nearly 20 years and the overall effect on the climate has been zero although there are a few more millionaires in the world. Scientific groups who rely on grants to keep going are very quick to ride on the back of the climate change emergency and the more funding they need, the greater the disaster scenario is promoted.

Hi Horace Cope, You read like you know the subject; Many times I've commented that I think that the Space Junk surrounding the earth is affecting the weather pattern as the earth orbits the Sun...Is that causing the disrupted weather pattern? I've never received any answer to my question. I've been on this earth for 93 years only seeing occasional seasonal changes. All seem to be happening since space was polluted.

Clouds are not 100 percent water. They also contain salt, dust, other particles and chemical substances, so I hope they are wearing their masks when the acid rain starts falling!

China thinks it is God.

Looks like they have seeded the clouds over the Eastern States of Australia. Someone made a mistake and didn't calculate the right amount of seeding for the right amount of rain.

Hope it doesn't happen again this summer


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