Cash or card – which is better?

credit cards in a jeans pocket

According to the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA), the use of cash is on the decline (duh?). ATM withdrawals have been steadily falling since 2010, and the introduction of PayPass on EFTPOS cards means that even small payments can be made without the use of cash.

That may sound nice and convenient for those who have a large bank account, but the dangers of a cashless society will affect those on fixed or low incomes more so than their higher earning counterparts. 

I'm reading a book at the moment called How We Decide by Jonah Lehrer, and I've just finished a chapter which discusses how your brain processes the act of paying with cash, and how it deals with credit cards and the often resulting debt they incur.

The short story is, your brain is wired to 'feel' it when you pay for something with cash. Your wallet or purse gets lighter, and there is a definite sense of loss – even though you've gained with your purchase. Well, unless it was an impulse purchase you'll quickly regret, but I digress. The way the brain deals with credit cards, even debit cards, is a totally different monkey. It's more difficult to resist the temptation to buy something – even if you can't afford it – because there's no pyhsical loss in exchange for your gain. You just put it on the card. It's explained very well in the book and if you can find it in your local library or second-hand bookshop I highly recommend picking it up.

Anyway, what's your opinion of a cashless society? Do you prefer to use cash or card when you make purchases? 


I always prefer to use plastic and debit rather than credit.

Cash is not as convenient. What does one do with the change? Why do we have the inefficiency of rounding?

Paypal have these great little card readers ($149) which bluetooth to your phone so you can bill somebody anywhere, anytime, providing you have phone reception. What could be easier than that?

If the government can get us all using EFTpos then they could catch all the transactions themselves and take a fee (tax) just like paypal does. Who knows it may allow us to minimise/delete income tax for workers?

Sadly that is the way of the world now Frank...but I mourn for the feel and sound of the six One hundred dollar bills I managed to Acquire for an hour back in 2009...

That amount is just not the same in the form of a plastic card... :(

There are tap restaurants where one can tap a card for a food item. Also try going into a bank to make a deposit? The teller now sends you outside the bank to put your money into the wall. When I go to the supermarket I now have to do all the work while the staff watch me. And I'm the customer!!??. Then the staff want to talk to me while I'm trying to find the roma tomatoes on the screen. That's just the tip of the iceburg! I will not be resorting their shelves anymore. It's taking up too much of my time.

CRANKY  --   If they did away with cash completely, there goes the kids money boxes they had to save up for something they really wanted. My granddaughter , when at school , used to bank her pocket money with the school bank and was so excited to see the balance rise. I doubt it if they will give the kids plastic cards. 

There is also the fact there will be no cash in hand. So if the neighbour or grandma does some babysitting and you want to pay them it will have to show up in their bank account and declared to centrelinkk or the tax office. Big brother will get even bigger.

Well thats the whole stinking idea Nan

I always use my  CC BUT I like to have a little cash also for those small amounts like a coffe or such and some places charge a fee for using CC and I don't keep any money in my debt card.

No I also like to be able to have some cash on hand as well


It's just as well we haven't got to rely on putting a shilling in the meters for gas and electric now, or a penny in the slot for the loo..

Although there would probably be a card for that as

The cashless is getting closer and closer -- soon it will be the CHIP in the hand -- thats what they are working towards 1984 is alive and well

Do not like the idea of chip in the hand ... think there would be a lot of handless people around.

I prefer Cash... frankly because I'm well used to it. Paying with cards has turned out to be a trend but I don't brain resists to accept it. 

I always go for debit cards. They are convenient than carrying cash all around. At the same time, it's important to keep the pin safe and also to keep it in your memory.

I like to have both -- I use my C/C for most things and pay it on time every month -- but like to have some cash on me for small things or maybe the Butcher or street stalls -- markets etc

I other words I WANT THE CHOICE

I always have cash for my fortnightly shopping.  Prefer it that way as I can keep a tally on how I am going.  Would be easy to overspend I think if you were just waving the card over the machine every time you shopped.

Debit card only, also have no debts, owe nothing

It would be a sad day for EVERYONE if the government managed to do away with cash entirely. EVERY cent a person spent would be known and traceable. Tax evasion/avoidance would be impossible and the black economy would be dead and buried. No more "divorce funds", secret stashes, money in the mattress etc.......cling to CASH people - it gives us financial anonymity.

That the way it is going KFC -- bit by bit -- that what they want to know every single thing everyone does -- not that they don't already know -- but what about when we do not have the ability to use card our -- now smart phone -- I myself do not have a SMART phone as my flip phone still works well -- what happen when there is a problem with the power supply etc etc -- I want the ability to have cash AND card.



'And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.' Apocalypse 13:16 -18

When that time comes I'll have to pass on receiving the mark, the name or number, at least it be a money saver, if a person cannot buy.

The politicians will be among the first in line to receive

Yes PIXAPD, we are slowly but SURELY getting to that point -- many darn fools have ALREADY taken the CHIP

Its like the way the younger ones have accepted self serve in the shops. They have no idea what they really doing - putting people out of work, making more money for the owners and share holders. Big brother is taking us like lambs to the sloughter. By the time the people wake up to what is going on it will be too late.

Yes Nan,  it is amazing the way so many people just plod along and obey the Government like good little sheeple-- watch the Footy and they are happy living with their head in the sand,  it is almost TOO late even now




In the old days storekeepers added your things up on the wrapping paper, then the cluncking of the old tills, the pound, shilling and pence popped up. The young folks today should try maths with our old currency and see how good they are, most are stumped adding up a few dollars and cents

I had my Card taken by the Eftpos machine on Christmas Eve. I reported it to the bank and they said I would have it replaced within 5 working days. What with Christmas and New Year to contend with I am still waiting for my card to arrive. I rang the Head Office and they said a new one had been forwarded, I fronted up at the local branch and they said it hadn't come. Rang Head Office and they said a new one will be issued. Still waiting. Thank goodness the Bank said I can withdraw money from my account with my Photo Drivers License., a good tip for others to know.

Are you sure it was an EFTPOS machine HOLA? Sunds more like an ATM. Shops have EFTPOS machines for us to pay for purchases. ATMs dispense money plus you can check balances etc.

Rod63 - Thanks for that , you are right, it was an ATM machine. 

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