Can we know too much?

As the world prepares to remember those who lost their lives on 11 September 2001, audio tapes have been released detailing how the horror unfolded and the anguish suffered as the true atrocity of what was happening revealed itself. While we may think that full disclosure from authorities is what we want, is this really the right time? Is there such a thing as too much information?


I believe that we do need to know. Thousands died horrible and agonising deaths, not to mention the mental anguish they suffered in anticipation of their end. We need to know of their suffering and we need to keep reminding ourselves of what fanaticism and terrorism can do to any one of us or those nearest and dearest to us.

It would be a tragedy and an insult if we allowed the memory of this event to grow dim or to let our rage and indignation  mellow with the passing of time.

Why isn't this the 'right time'?

What is 'too much information' and why so in this case?  Why should there be censorship?  It sure sounds like there is another version/agenda that would be preferred.

What the previously unpublished recordings have brought out are heart-rending personal accounts that resoundingly re-affirm the continued existence and even abundance of those important, positive qualities that make us human.  In a cynical, self-serving, self-centered. "I'm alright Jack" world it is crucial that we be reminded of those. 

We all need to know what goes on and be aware of it.

Couldn't agree more with previous posts.

We can never have too much information on these atrocities against humanity.

I put 9/11 in the same basket as the  Holocaust.

Each generation needs to know and understand that evil exists in human form......... and we must always remember those who have died at the hands of evil people.

Apathy  played  a big part in  why so many dictators have been able to  attain so much power.

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing "

And I am sure we are not told everything,  we also need to know what takes place in the war zones and why, as there s a lot that goes on there that is very like the Holocaust too


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