Can of worms - If we could run the country

At our usual coffee session after a gym class, we sat around sorting out the problems of the world.  Then we decided to list what we would do if we were running this country.  Here's what we came up with, feel free to add to the list.

  • All States and Territories to have the same laws.

  • Opening up the old Migrant Hostels for refugees.  This would give them a safe place to stay, teach them integration and assimilation, let them learn about our laws and customs and give them the opportunity to learn the language before heading out to the workforce.  By not giving them preferential treatment, would also alleviate some of the resentment toward them by the over 40K people on Public Housing waiting lists.

  • Stop the rorts by the pollies!!  Same rules for them as for the rest of us. No more freebies after retirement, if you want to travel 1st class with  your family - pay for it yourself!!  And no more flights for 1 person, if you cannot organise your itinerary to catch a commercial flight, you need to get another job. Also, same pension as everyone else.

  • Obey our laws or go home.  1 man/1 wife.Do not come here with multiple wives and children and expect to live off the taxpayer.  If you can't work - don't come.

  • Lifesaving medication available to all who need it.

  • No bail for violent crimes.  Once your sentence is finished without parole,you are deported.

  • Investigate "Religious Institutions" who go tax free.  Also, whatever your religion, it is your right to believe whatever you want, just don't try forcing it on the rest of us.

  • Offshore big business -  do the right thing and pay your taxes on money earned here!!

  • Charity begins at home, sort out our own problems of homelessness and hunger before sending funds overseas.


These are just a few of the things we came up with, there were many more and not all of them printable!!

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Much of this is terrific.  One short-sighted thing is the issue of our comparatively rich country and its donations to poorer places in our region and elsewhere.  We can afford to do much more to help with health, education and, of course, goodwill.  Good neighbourliness is definitely worth a small percentage of our GDP.

As for retiring at 60, perhaps that can be the age where people have the option of scaling down.  I would choose to keep on working until I'm carried out because work is a pleasure but this is not the case for all.  Those who retire quite early need to be able to afford to do so, or need to contract to guaranteed part-time, paid work - perhaps in teaching migrants life-skills, language, team-sports and general education, or as mentors in their former professons/trades/industries.  As well there needs to be a fund that will support old people as entrepreneurs, starting small businesses in their own expert fields or areas of interest.

Government pensions should cut in at 70 unless there are provable medical or hardship reasons during the decade between 60 and 70. 

Well summarised. But, there are jobs which are age limited and also have strict health requirements, e.g. stress ECG and blood tests every 6 months. Passing or not passing the tests is daunting.

There is some Help from the Government to re-train, it used to be called "new start". Not everthing is paid for but at least it is a very positive start. It is quite inspiring to see the people who do not want to put any effort into the courses, not turning up for exams etc,, in so far as to makes those go faster and better who want to achieve their goal and learn something new.

Well summarised. But, there are jobs which are age limited and also have strict health requirements, e.g. stress ECG and blood tests every 6 months. Passing or not passing the tests is daunting.

There is some Help from the Government to re-train, it used to be called "new start". Not everthing is paid for but at least it is a very positive start. It is quite inspiring to see the people who do not want to put any effort into the courses, not turning up for exams etc,, in so far as to makes those go faster and better who want to achieve their goal and learn something new.

An incentive to work part-time might help, but not waiting until 70 for a pension, as many will just be on Newstart which is a lower rate and if you pay rent hardly enough to survive on. Okay for those who have super or a next egg to fall back on but not everyone has.

Why don't people have super or nest egg

lived it up and didn't bother to save becuase they knew the taxpayer would look after them 

Are you a taxpayer???



yes - I pay tax on my Australian sourced income

30% flat and I get no tax free threshold or many of the other deductibles available to tax residents

Is that how you  can afford to go to "Devon"????

never been to Devon

went to the Cotswolds last year

bit sick of the UK - been there too many times in the past several years 

But you just said you were sitting on the beach in Devon having a latte. You've forgotten already???Geez!

Never said that

You and your fellow wallies don't read too well

Ah, we read you all right Raffael, haha

Hahaha, we sure have Reagan.

Btw, having a glass of the wine I told you about which you will be sampling when you get here.

Yes, of course there are jobs that are self-limiting.  But the emphasis and has always been on how sad it is tht people have to work, rather than what a privilege it can be.  So many guys retired, moon around the house looking lost, getting underfoot, feelig as though they have no value.  Humans are, at best, workers.  

If learning was made fun, rewarding, easy accessed and mildy competitive, to say nothing of ultimately rewarding, I suspect there would be less depression among the over-60s, fewer health issues and so on.  Obviously those without funds or ability will have to have support but, rather than make that the main focus, perhaps our society could begin to regard "the dole" as a short-term, rather embarassing necessity for those unable to do any better.  

Good idea Doodlebug44 I quite agree with you wholeheartedly. It would be a lot fairer on everybody. I also think charity begins at home in some cases. How much of the money going overseas for charity actually goes to people in need and not used for arms etc. Clean up your own kitchen before cleaning someone elses.

I wish people would stop knocking others that have not got a job.

Stereotyping people doesn't require any intelligence, and people who do that should investigate more closely why so many people haven't got jobs, and consider how fortunate they are that they do have a job.

Many unemployed people do unpaid volunteer work without receiving government benefits.

I also think that the unemployment statistics should include all part time and casual workers who want and need full time work.

Well said Teegee although at 52 the longest Ive been unemployed since I started working at 12 was 6 weeks when I moved interstate and decided I needed a break.

What I object to is the well pulicised cases where generations of the family have refused to work, not even tried and they get away with it.

I dont begrudge any person who finds themselves retrenched access to tax payers money, after all they have contributed to the pool of funds, and for the most part, they do look for work.

What I find though, and I do understand, is they are not willing to do anything within their means of being able to undertake the task. Surely any job is better than no job, and it is easier to get a job once you are employed.

We have volunteers at our centre and we really love them and are sad to see them go if they do find employment. Sometimes it can also be a pathway to employment. 

Also a lot of people on part time and casal work actually want that as their option so i dont think you could say they are unemployed. Maybe casual yes, but part - time, it is a formal option of employment.

Add in the organisation of a PROPER 'Futures Fund' for ALL Australians, by firstly bringing home the stolen generation of $130Bn, sacking those involved and forbidding them any position in government bodies of any kind, amalgamating it with the never-ended contributions to social security that have been sidetracked into 'consolidated revenue' so politicians of all stamps can play games with it, add in all super contributions under the same rules and values, and separate it entirely from the hands of politicians and their cronies with a % contribution plus a capped additional contribution to preclude rorting super and its tax concessions, who will only see it as a source of income and of endless largesse to any scheme they may come up with THIS time!

Forbid politicians past from engaging in a remunerative position with government in any way while drawing their fat 'super', and forbid them from lobbying for a period of not less than ten years, and in the case of proven rorters, for life.

Turn back 'privatisation' with its incumbern massive cost rises to the end user.

Compel companies etc ripping Australian national resources into THEIR 'global economy' (including jobs) to Reserve sufficient for Australian use at LOCAL prices without 'value added' from our use of resources that never left our shores and never incurred those costs.


(I'll draw breath now - been to Sydney to see the Vivid show (nice), and pick up some building materials, and also to rip off the casino for a bit.... (snuckles).... tired)..





I'm 75, still working still paying tax, still enjoyng life. And for much of the 59 years I've been working, Ive been helping our developing country neighbours. Im still working in Fiji part time.

While some commentators are right that we could do more to help the poor, many places where aid is sent money is simply building politicians slush funds. Like PNG Where A ustralian taxpayes will spend $470m (not counting the ridiculous Manus $70m debacle, thanks to Gillard). Every parameter of welfare: health, education, social development, transport and infrastructure, and measures of viullage level economic development have gone backwards over the past decade or two, despite Oz Aid input of some $4 billion. Could have paid for a few students in our Unis, or a new hospital or two, instead of financing politicians like Skate or the current PM O'Niell. Our Aid administrators do try, but they are outsmarted at every turn, and suffer from corporate amnesia.

No, as Jesus said, the poor we have with us always, and the place for charity is to begin at home. And for goodness sake start addressing the huge debt we are accumulating (270% of GDP according to the Reserve Bank) which has accumulated throught the massive feeding at the trough facilitated by our irresponsible politicians and even more irresponsible (populist supporting) electorate.

The debt legacy we are leaving for the next generation makes we oldies reprehensably irresponsible. Let alone the loss of moral compass - homosexual marriage anyone? Or how about a few hundred $K from China for your facvourite pollie?

I'd like to add the following, with the intention of righting some injustices and suggestion legislation that deter illegal activity before it happens....

* no investment properties can be left unoccupied (especially while there is a housing shortage for working people or people who are genuinely unable to work) unless a 'very hefty fine' is imposed (ie $50K pa for every property, not the paultry $1,500 currently being mooted - this is laughable).  Suggest this is paid to the taxation office by the investor/investment company - on a month-by-month basis AND this should also be monitored by local councils, as they have the means to physically monitor such stock in their own localities (rates, electricity, water rates etc).  The taxation office should cross-reference investment properties ownership to ensure there is no double-dipping/clever accounting or 'concealed ownership name' schemes that slip through the net.  In China there are a multitude of 'ghost' cities where no one lives!  This situation is being evidenced in Sydney - NOW.

* no negative gearing for investors who buy an 'investment' property after conpulsorily registering their ownership of one only investment property.  Investors may then invest anywhere else but not in housing stock - this has resulted in housing being unaffordable in the cities and this prevents young Australian families or young/disadvantaged people trying to get into their own homes close to essential services. 

* no political donations for elections allowed from any self-interest group - especially businesses or people from overseas countries (especially developers).  The whole election funding system needs to be overalled to ensure power groups cannot influence the outcome which is undemocratic or against the benefit of the general population.  All legitimate parties should share equal and publicly funded advertising of their policies, related to the size of population within their electorate.  Instead of politicians being funded to travel all over the country or state at will, they should be funded to present to the communities at local council facilities, utilising teleconferencing and audio visual facilities to reach members of the public and those who are remote from the local council facility.  Everyone should have access to the policies of all parties equally.

* More Transparency:  State Govt purchases of properties for state govt projects should publish in depth and accurate ownership and sales details of any properties being purchased using public monies. It has been shown in the past that developers have had a heads up of upcoming-opportunities, (ie advanced planning, proposed acquisitions, etc) from pollies/govt employees, who benefit from their donations/favours.  All public purchases of property should clearly identify the names of the sellers, whether they are companies or individuals.  Punishment for corrupt activities such as this should be an automatic gaol sentence and removal of any benefits gained by being employed within the govt or it's agencies and misusing such commercially sensitive information.

* Replace "Life" sentences with "Indefinite Detention" Life no longer means life.  Our Criminal Sentencing system is broken - crims are out on the streets because the gaols are full (3 to a cell in Sydney gaols).  We need to come down harder on unreformed criminals and it is obviously essential that we build appropriate gaols to house such undesirables.  After any sentence is served, non-citizens should be automatically sent back to their country of origin (air-fare paid only).   

Hi Musicveg

Each state would have representatives in the federal parliament that would raise issues pertinent to their state but only relevant to funding of infrastructure eg Health,roads,education etc.

I don't feel we need the amount of politicians that are currently in our state parliaments to do that....!!

You probably right, imagine the savings they could make with less pollies! All those life long pensions and free everything they get.

Interesting list there Doodlebug, a lot more could be added but that's enough to go on at the moment. 

Yes, although charity begins at home, we must think of the way richer countries got rich i.e. by pillaging and stealing from poorer nations, now it is time to give some back. We as a wealthy country have a moral responsibility to help out along with other rich nations who do the same.

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