Bunnings to host mass vaccination hubs in their car parks?

How do you feel about getting a sausage and a jab in a Bunnings car park?

One of Australia's favourite hardware brands and home to the infamous ‘sausage sizzles’ would be happy to offer its car parks as vaccination hubs.

According to Roy Morgan, Bunnings consistently ranks highly as one of Australia’s most trusted brands. Using its car parks as vaccination hubs may help the government overcome vaccine skepticism, says B&T.

While Bunnings is not yet talking with the government about the potential for vaccine hubs, Bunning’s COO Deb Poole told The Guardian it would be open to the idea.

“We’ve previously supported the government and the community by hosting COVID-19 testing in some of our store car parks and we’re always open to discussing further support directly with the government,” said Ms Poole.

Some Bunnings sites turned their car parks into mass testing hubs at the peak of the pandemic and, according to Hassan Valley, an epidemiologist at La Trobe University in Melbourne, there could be a few benefits to Bunnings hosting vaccination hubs at their 250 locations across Australia

“Most people haven’t seen a vaccination occur in person, so if you’re going into a Bunnings a few times and you keep passing the vaccinations, then the next time you’re on your way out with your potting mix, you’ll go up and ask," Assoc. Prof. Valley told The Guardian.

“If people go to Bunnings and can get their sausage sandwich after their vaccine on the way out, that’s a good thing.”

Would you get your jab at Bunnings?


Hope they don't mix it up with any of those cleaners or bleaches :(

I stick with the sausage, thanks!


:) Good one Frankly.

I'll bet it would be better managed than anything the State or Federal Government does.  The vaccination site at Sydney Olympic Park has no parking and no public transport.  That's from someone who lives here.


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