Bunnings snags, a dollar too far?


It seems even the Bunnings snag can’t escape inflation.

Prices will go up from $2.50 to $3.50, although drinks remain steady at $1.50.

Turns out the cost of supplies was eating into fundraising efforts.

I don’t think it will make much of a dent in demand.

I once manned the tent for a local sporting club and the person in charge of the money had to stuff notes into a plastic shopping bag about every two hours we were that busy.

Bunnings snags have reached cult status and, in my opinion, popping the price up $1 will not make one bit of difference.

The price will go up on 23 July. Is $3.50 a dollar too far for you?


Whatever the price, I would not buy ..it is nothing but junk food

The Government should tax them for selling it.

Those sausage sizzles provide the funds for community groups that they need to survive as without that income they would have to shut down. Perhaps a fairer way to provide them with finance would be to tax the business executives whose bonuses are outrageous. 

Percentage wise, this is a substantial increase and while an increase may be warranted I think 50c would have been fairer. While I would happily pay $2.50, I would perhaps hesitate at $3.00, I would have to really be in the mood for one at that price, I doubt I could bring myself to pay $3.50, I would feel I was wasting money.


Is an extra dollar too much to help your community?

A Bunnings snag will cost more. Picture: NCA NewsWire/Jenny Evans

Picture: NCA NewsWire/Jenny Evans

The profits of the price hike will continue to go into the pockets of charities and community groups.


Bunnings does not pocket any of it!



At least ALL funds raised go to the community group manning the sizzles.

For more than 25 years, the Bunnings sausage sizzle has provided grassroots community groups a simple way to raise funds. In a response to significant requests from these community groups, Bunnings is increasing the price of its community sausage sizzle in Australia for the first time in 15 years. The groups have seen a decline in funds raised due to the increased cost of the goods required to run the BBQ, particularly in recent months.

Spot on RnR.

"...cost of supplies was eating into fundraising efforts..."

Coles thin BBQ sausages 1.8kg 12 snags $12 = $1 each

Coles sandwich bread 16 slices + 2 crusts $2.70 = 17 cents per slice

Coles prepacked brown onions 1kg $2.90 - approx 8 medium onions - 9 cents per serve

Coles Tomato Sauce 2 litres $4.70 - approx 5 cents per serve

Total per serve $1.31 or round figures, say $1.50 !!!

Judge for yourself, the veracity of their claim!!!


Well put Pacahawi

Perhaps the groups will find that they are getting even less funds.


Good maths Pacahawi, yup, what a rip off - specially since they don't even have to pay for gas to cook the sausages which are burnt to a crisp by the Aussie sunshine, lol

Chinese Sausages - China Sichuan Food

If  people have to whinge about an extra dollar...then they should not accept community help when disaster strikes them. 

I say that's fair and square!

I rarely visit Bunnings these days and I don't know when I've had a sausage....however I put a donation in the tin.


Exactly, Sophie.

Perhaps people could look at this as a small donation to charity and in return they receive a sausage.

I find it sad that people complain about such a trifling amount.

I think $3,50 is a reasonable sum to pay . I think $5. 00 for a cup of coffee is a rip-off yet people pay for it. 

Hi Hola ... Just to say Hi ... I AM BACK Yeahhhhh 

Aussie - Yeah!  Good to see you Mate.


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