Big Appetite Lately

I really do not like this feeling of wanting food all the time.
This is only last couple of months. Have breakfast about lunchtime, and then don't feel as if I have enough and just keep on looking for more to eat into evening.
Any tricks to tell my body - you had enough!!

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Strange isn't it that we get different cravings--I never eat b4 about 11am, even though I am up at 4 am--and of late I have had cravings for Weis Mango bars.

Re the over eating--try and drink some water b4 you eat and serve small portions and as soon as you feel satisfied stop, in a few weeks you will find you don't need such a lot to eat.

I force myself to have breakfast at about 6am, even though I don't really feel hungry then. Something simple, like sardines on toast or the reheated vegies left over from the previous night. I then have morning tea of a piece of fruit about 10am - usually a banana. Sometimes I make myself some seaweed rice crackers with tomato about 2pm. My evening meal is meat and vegies, served on a bread and butter or side plate, usually about 5pm. I find that if I drink plenty of fluids during the day, that I have eaten sufficient for my needs. I was grossly overweight a couple of years ago, because I was continually snacking - I went onto this regime and went from a size 18 to a size 10. I feel so much happier and healthier now and able to do so much more. Of course, I have the occasional breakout, when I will buy and eat a whole packet of chocolate biscuits in one sitting, but I tend to hate myself after one of those episodes. It does take time to change your eating habits, but the benefits are so rewarding.

Maybe at the age Seniors are, get a bit of self control.

Why are you SO greedy? just eat 6 small meals a day

for goodness sake and stop stuffing your mouth. Very easy.

Keep your mouth shut and you will not get fat unless so

lazy just sit on the couch all day, sorry but

we all have to have a bit of self control . The excuse

of being old is not good enough or if it is, just keep eating.

If it kills you we all have to die - does it matter?

Brianna I am sure it is not a matter of being greedy, some folk just seem to put on weight easier than others, I can eat almost anything and doesn't seem to put on much weight at all, if I feel like something I am lucky enough to be able to eat it--I eat when I am hungry and if I am not I don't. I feel for those such as Diabetics that are unable to eat what they fancy and count myself very lucky

It is so easy to denigrate others - give vent to the feelings you have, without really offering anything, which may be of help. It seems to be an unfortunate trait of some folks. Ridicule and vitriole. Sad really, when kindness and gentleness to others should also be a trait which has been learned by seniors.

We are adults and often being slightly cruel to be kind and

giving someone a "wake up call" is the best and only way works.

We can ALL tuck into too much food but we teach our children

"SELF CONTROL" don't we? so surely we can take a hold of ourselves and

realise we are "giving into a part of our nature which is greed.

I am greedy sometimes for sure. I can also eat a packet of choc. biscuits but

I HAVE to fast the next day to make up for it; and just have juice and water

for the day. We are responsible for our own actions and if Mara realises this

will say "Thank you Bri." I accept personal cheques Mara.

I agree with you PlanB diabetics have it tough.

It is difficult to give any advise when you do not know a persons circumstances.

Maybe if home without much to do, having food looks like something to do.

Maybe therefore removing yourself from the home and therefore away from the temptation could help.

Go for a walk, do some gardening or other physical activity to take your mind off eating.

I agree about drinking water but once again everyones circumstances are different so what I say is only a thought or suggestion.

Of course, you are right fwed - we don't truly know each other's circumstances. Don't really know if the person is able to execise to any extent. I am fortunate that I am able to still get around, volunteer at a charity twice a week. Have a dog that need walkies every day. I'm one the the fortunate people, have a good group of friends, with whom I am in contact on a regular basis. Some may not be so fortunate, that is why I advocate kindness and gentleness. Others may not walk in your shoes.

Yes we do NOT know of others problems and I know that I used to walk miles every day--but I am unable to these days.

I do know that in time if you eat small amounts often, you soon can't eat big amounts and are soon feeling full.

Everyone's ideas are good.


When I worked for Gloria Marshall in Geelong we had some VERY

large ladies but one young girl was still at school and a very sad young

person because no matter what she did could not seem to get the weight

off and she was becoming too sedentry for her age.

I got her to drink a very large glass of hot cordial (low calorie) with three teaspoons

or this = one sachet, of gelatine every afternoon after school and wait for at least 1/2 hr

and I do this every day myself at around 4 p.m.and

add an extra glass of water and drink that after the low cal. cordial

when the thought of munchies hits.. I also taught her to use a nice glass

and get Mum to make her a low calorie jelly

and when almost set add some no fat yoghurt to it and top again with jelly and it makes an

almost calorie free treat so eat this also around 5 before dinner and surprising how it fills

us up. Maybe Mara as I do sometimes you might like to keep this in the fridge

for a treat during the evening but actually better not to eat after 7 o.clock evenings.

I also find sliced peaches in fruit juice not too high in cals. and fills me up if I need a treat

(Knowing me yes I have 20 large Ardmona cans in the pantry) I do not make

them cold just room temperature but that's my choice.

I find some blueberries to help stop Alzheimers) whizzed up in cold skim

milk for a big frothy milk shake is a great low calorie healthy treat

which fills the tummy well....

AND if stuff is not in the house cannot eat it lol.

All the best


Thank you all** I can be very strict (used to be ha) even fasting for a week. When I read some of you get on choc biscuits I nearly fell off the chair. I am totally off sweet things, allow teaspoon or two of honey. I also hardly eat meat or cheese. Had to get off these things with breast cancer and at one time lost so much weight - apparently cancer feeds itself. Now I **think** I have it under control so feeding my hips instead.

'Creon' is a digestive enzyme my Doc prescribed at last as I used to pay through the nose on the internet. I have a feeling this may have something to do with it but still ---discipline, I got it. Just had a big mug of something hot, now I feel like something solid.. ugh* but shall glue my bottom to this chair or go for a walk (which I do every day)*almost*

I am sorry to hear of your fight with Cancer Mara--that must have been a very hard time for you, you have beaten that and I know you will come to terms with the hungry thing. I am a sweet tooth myself

Thanks PlanB. Now and then I really appreciate some sympathy;)

My Daughter is in Adelaide but I have always been self-sufficient and always coped well, so she leaves me... which is big OK but it would be nice sometimes to realise it is not easy. Most of the time you learn as you go. My Doctor pestered me for three years to go and 'get it done'. Now she says, continue doing what you are doing.

I had a District Nurse visiting with bandages etc. by law she nor the Doctor is allowed to touch me in connection with tumor, because I do not follow 'their' protocol.

But nevermind, I can still do everything and feel good most of the time**

How long since the battle Mara? I can only imagine what it was / is like for you

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