Bar Codes to avoid

I have printed out the Bar Codes and will take them with me when I shop The Pictures in this of course never came out on this post but I assure you they were disgusting.

Very important to our health


The whole world is scared of China made 'black hearted goods'. Can you differentiate which one is made in the USA , Philippines , Taiwan or China ?

For your Information ... the first 3 digits of the bar code is the country code wherein the product was made.
Eg: all barcodes that start with 690 up to 695 are all MADE IN CHINA.

471 is Made in Taiwan.
This is our human right to know, but the government and related department never educate the public, therefore we have to RESCUE ourselves.

Nowadays, Chinese businessmen know that consumers do not prefer products 'made in China ', so they don't show from which country it is made.

However, you can refer to the barcode, remember if the first 3 digits are 690 to 695, then it is Made in China .
00 ~ 13 USA & CANADA
30 ~ 37 FRANCE
40 ~ 44 GERMANY
49 ~ JAPAN
50 ~ UK
57 ~ Denmark
64 ~ Finland
76 ~ Switzerland and Lienchtenstein
628 ~ Saudi-Arabia
629 ~ United Arab Emirates
740 ~ 745 - Central America
All 480 Codes are Made in the Philippines

Now read on below for specifics on goods from China to protect yourself, your family, and your friends.

This is sickening but it is an alert to read labels and always buy fresh when you can.

Have a taste for chicken? READ THIS
WATCH WHAT YOU BUY. ESPECIALLY HIGHLINER FISH PRODUCTS; all come from China, even though the box says 'product of Canada', it is from China and 'processed' in Canada, that is, the coating is added and packaged in Canada only!

The fish are raised in pens using chemicals that are banned in Canada as cancer causing but legal in China .

This was exposed on CBC TV's Marketplace.
This one will make you think before buying anything from China .

Well, are you enjoying seeing Chinese food popping up in your supermarket left and right? Have you noticed you can't buy a single package of fish that isn't made in China (or Vietnam )? Do you think your food from China is processed in a sanitary manner, and thus safe to eat? Take a look at this!!

These undercover enclosed pictures speak a thousand words. Avoid buying all processed food packaged in China. Anything goes! We just don't know what else is in those packages.

Unlike in the U.S. CANADA and Australia , China does not have laws regulating food processing.

Basically, do not buy any processed food from China , also Hong Kong , too. MANY Chinese companies are using a Hong Kong address to avoid this type of image reputation.

Early dawn, starts the day by riding around to collect dead chickens.

Asking around for dead chickens.

Total of 5 riders are hired by the boss to ride to farms to buy dead chickens.

A dead chicken cost 1 RMB and would be sold at 9 RMB after processing.

Storage for the dead chickens in the court yard.

Carcasses are thrown everywhere.

And on the floor....
Four employees start de-feathering the dead fowl after soaking in boiling water from a rusty wok.

Enduring the pungent odor, but sometime, it get so terrible that even the most experienced of the workers would puke.

Workers rushing to get the chickens de-feathered.

A discarded bath tub being used to soak the bare skin dead chickens.... The contaminated water would have accelerated the decomposition process.

Wearing slippers walking among the chickens before the colouring processing.

After the colour dye, it's creepy to find that they are quite tenderized.

And now presenting the mouth watering Charcoal Roasted Chicken!

Send to as many people as possible. Do NOT buy food originating in China (or Vietnam or Thailand)!

Take the time to read the labels and look for country of origin!




The bar codes will be very hepful. Thanks Jane.

Takes a lot longer at the Supermarket these days as

have to read everything including the additive 621 etc.

along with "made in China" has to go back on the shelves.

It is getting more difficult by the week.


Just by chance yesterday saw blueberries 300g for just $1.99

so we bought 12 boxes but on reflection feel we should have taken 50 boxes

so off later today to see if we can get another 30 or so boxes from Safeway.

Good bargain hey?

All the best


It really makes you wonder if we will have to be self sufficient very soon as there won't be anything worth buying--

Thank you for this PlanB. I never buy seafood that is not Australian as it usually has no taste and after reading your article will look closer as to where a product originates.

But country barcodes indicate the country that issued the code, not the country of origin of the product.

There's more than one kind of bar code in use around the world. UPC bar codes, the type most commonly used in the United States, do not typically contain a country identifier. A different type of bar code known as EAN-13 does contain a country identifier, but it's more commonly used in Europe and other countries outside the U.S.

Even in the case of EAN-13 bar codes, the digits associated with country of origin don't necessarily specify where the product was manufactured, but rather where the bar code itself was registered. So, for example, a product manufactured in China and sold in France could have an EAN-13 bar code identifying it as a French product.


Thanks for that info too Fwed--it is a mine field out there trying to buy food etc these days

[color=red] This is sickening but it is an alert to read labels and always buy fresh when you can.



Yes indeed and very good advice PB ...........Free range chickens and Turkey come from Lillydale in Victoria and or Aldinga in South australia .............fresh seafood from Port Lincoln in South Aust also or even closer ..............Meat is a bit hard to buy and we have found that fresh beef is not always as tender as it once was..............Lamb however is entirely different


Fresh fruits and veg are grown not 10 miles away and always very well branded

Thank you PlanB, very helpful

Thank you PlanB, very helpful


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