Bad Language


 I am finding that the Television and movies are using Four letter words more and More. As an Oldie I do not like it and do not watch any show that says Course Language. I have made complaints to the Minister and Television Stations to no avail. I cannot watch much on television except hildrens shows. Even some PG shows have four letter words. I am at my wits end what to do.

Does anyone else have this problem?

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Sorry Sidney but unless you want to hire someone to censor your TV content you will either have to "suck it up" or give up watching. While I agree with your sentiments and share your distatse for such language, I am forced to admit that it has now become the local idiom. Tune into any radio station, you will even find such offensive language in song these days.

Unless it is racist content you might as well give up.

Times have changed and not for the better.

Onehas to keep trying Campbell as i fear what will come next.

Welcome sidney

You should enjoy your stay here ... we never ever swear ... but some have been known to sprinkle Fairy dust and write children's blogs so you should feel right at home here.

Hope you put up an avatar soon

Image result for albert einstein quote on fairies

I still read them Thea, ..but to little people now...

and like their nanny, they are all as bright as buttons...:)

Bad luck Sid,

With the far right calling for the repeal of 18c I can only see this area getting worse not better.

I can't understand the need to use bad language, racist or religious intollerance to prosecute an argument.  If we cant discuss our difereneces without these measures we are in a poor society.


Agreed 4b2

It's deplorable how television has gone stations don't care as long as they are selling air time and products that you don't need I am not a prude,however, if every second word is of colourful language what are the writers doing I know people use this in every day speak but you can walk away from that 

easier said than done Rocky as they sneak it in.

My Tv has an OFF button and it gets used when violence, sex and bad language are included in the programs. If lots of people used their OFF buttons then the ratings would drop and the producers would limit the content of the shows. It's just that most people obviously accept it all these days.

I do all time Mrs Hedgehog but sometimes it is not shown in the ratings and i get caught.

I totally agree with Sydney70.  SO many good dramas are spoiled these days by bad and so un-necessary language.  For example the main character in Hide and Seek - why does he have to use the F word constantly - a good drama spoiled.  We too have turned so many shows off because of the constant bad language and use of 4 letter words.  So many great shows spoiled by what producers and directors seem to think is 'necessary' language to keep their ratings -and the language adds nothing to the story - just makes many of us cringe!

Troubador, I don't know that series, but a lot of real people do swear, and maybe the swearing adds realism. Is that possible?

I agree with you troubadour. i find that I am turning off good shows because of the bad language. Then when there is a good programe with no language they slip one word in 5 minutes from the end. Is this just because they can?. 

Hello sidney70,

Just wondering if you wouldn't mind telling me the names of 'the good shows you are turning off because of the bad language'....because I'm wondering what shows you are referring to when you say this.


My father told me long ago that using foul language showed a lack of vocabulary.

Maybe our schools have a lot to answer for?

Or maybe not.

I do so agree...

With what?

 I agree that foul language is distressing but assume that the people using it are so poorly educated, and lazy, that they cannot come up with words and phrases that really do express their feelings.  I rather enjoy finding interesting phraseology which lets me vent how I feel more completely and often flabbergasts anyone listening.


I can communicate with anyone without using any form of language. I know that it is uncouth and disrespectful to use that sort of language to anyone.

Know heaps of well educated and not so well educated people who swear - some swear a lot, some swear only occasionally....but seriously doubt 'swearing' has got anything at all to do with education levels....



Profanity is evidence of a sad and feeble mind trying to express itself......


Know very intelligent articulate people who swear....

Pure snobbery on display there Thea. Shetso is right. Many very intelligent articulate people swear.

I'll make another outrageous generalisation just like Thea's.....

Insulting people based on their use of swear words is evidence of a sad, sheltered existence and unjustifiable intolerance.

Strange how several people can read a sentence but see different words.

Thea did not mention "intelligent". The words used are "sad and feeble" - big difference.

You're just starting to look really really really silly misrepresenting people the way you do Banjo....The point being made clearly  in Thea's comment is that those who swear are less  intelligent .....But you being the relentlessly,  misrepresentatingly ol' saveloy that you are, conveniently left out the word 'mind' in your comment above...

The clear point  being made in Thea's patronisng and condescending sweeping generalisation is that those who swear are of 'sad and feeble mind' not 'sad and feeble toes or knees or elbows or kidneys or tonsils or ears or nose or pancreas - but MIND....

The inference being those who swear are unintellligent....


From one "ol saveloy" to another.

Your opinion does not matter to me. But people who need a string of useless adjectives or bad language to get a point across, have no point.

Some people may be "intelligent" but have a great problem expressing themselves without using swear words, to me, they  lack proficient use of vocabulary.


Oh dear we go again...the two "Mindbenders" are really..really...really...really certain they know precisely what I mean from one sentence...magnificent! It shows thinking that's as clear as mud...

I'm not going to go into a lot of detail..but...I suggest the mindbenders consult their oracles as to the difference between "mind" and "brain." While they're at it perhaps they can spend some time on what "intelligence" means... and... if they can pinpoint it down to one thing...give me a call...

Profanity is evidence of a sad and feeble mind trying to express itself.” 

There is a real malady that exists called Lalochezia. It is actually the relief a person feels after cursing. It is indeed a phenomenon and many people find using profanities when they are suffering emotional pain especially...greatly helps to soothe them. Hence my reference to “sad” and “feeble”. A lot of research is being done in this field at the present time. 

As I said previously...not going to waste time on them...however...they may like to do some research on the topic and I have provided some references to get them started. That should keep both of them busy for a few months....

Stephens, R. & Umland, C. (2011). Swearing as a response to pain – Effect of daily swearing frequency. Journal of Pain, 12, 1274–1281. 

Jay, T. (1999). Why we curse: a neuro-psycho-social theory of speech. Philadelphia: John Benjamins. 

Paquette, V., et al., "Change the mind and you change the brain": effects of cognitive-behavioral therapy on the neural correlates of spider phobia. Neuroimage, 2003. 18(2): p. 401-9.

The use of profanity during letter fluency tasks in frontotemporal dementia and Alzheimer disease. Vitetta, L., et al., Mind-body medicine: stress and its impact on overall health and longevity. Ann N Y Acad Sci, 2005. 1057: p. 492-505.

Apostolova, L. G., & Cummings, J. L. (2010). Neuropsychiatric aspects of Alzheimer's disease and other dementing illnesses. In S. C. Yudofsky, & R. E. Hales (Eds.), Essentials of neuropsychiatry and behavioral neurosciences (pp. 409-432). Arlington, VA, US: American Psychiatric Publishing.

Stone, T.E., McMillan, M. & Hazleton, M. (2010). Swearing: Its prevalence in healthcare settings and impact on nursing practice. Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, 17, 528–534. 

Robbins, M.L., Focella, E.S., Kasle, S. et al. (2011). Naturalistically observed swearing, emotional support, and depressive symptoms in women coping with illness. Health Psychology, 30, 789–792. 

This is a fascinating subject... good luck..

I do in no way whatsoever call myself a prude.   But totally agree and sympathise with Sidney ( my uncles name) and 4b2.    It is so sad and it spoils the movie or t.v show.

do they think they're being "cool" ( old word?) and trying to get kids to watch.   Kids only watch things on computers or other devices now, not t.v so why not leave the t.v to us who want to watch it without constant profanity!

Hello Funny face,

There are 2 identical threads it seems and realise from the other thread of the same name operating a couple of days back when in conversation with  sidney70, the author of the thread,  that he had concerns with TV shows such as ABC 'Four Corners' and SBS 'Insight' program and SBS programs after 10.30pm in relation to swearing, which I find really perplexing and still yet to fathom why, given I've been watching 'Four Corners' for decades and struggling to recall even ONE 'Four Corners' program that shocked or distressed me 'swearing-wise'....

So have to ask Funny face - what TV show are you referring to when you say

"It is so sad and it spoils the move or t.v. show"?....And also the names of the TV shows you are referring to that have  'constant profanity'?

Thanks in advance.


I agree with all you have said in your 3 comments above. Swearing is not the result of lack of education or "feebleness" of mind and I too wonder how anyone could be distressed by programmes like Four Corners and Insight. It is frustrating that we have 2 threads running on this and on the other I raised the point that swear words are universally expressed in all languages so must serve some sort of purpose. My hunch is that swearing provides some sort of backlash against societal imperatives to be insipidly "nice". It perhaps provides rebellion against "shoulds" in we all should be in order to be acceptable in the eyes of others. It provides an "up yours" to judgementalism and pious goody goodiness.  

Hello shetso1

I have already stated the good shows that I turn off or do not watch because of the bad language,others are movies too numerous to mention. I like action ,cowboy and War movies but unfortunately cant watch most. It is strange though that I have watched some good action movies Taken 1 , Taken 3, Taken 3 and they have no language in them except words like Sh.. Bast.... but no course languade. They can make movies without course language so why put it in at all. The documentaries mostly are ok and I try to watch and tape all the old movies so we have something decent to watch. 

i do hope that I have covered your question Shetso1

Do you think people don't swear in wars?

Wanting a sanitised version of such things worries me.

sidney70, have to say I support your views. Swearing exists, but don't see why I or anyone else should tolerate it. One has a right to choice.

The way I understand it you are talking about unneccessary profanity used in tv shows and in face to face situations. So what's wrong with your choice? 

Now take this thread and the other one you started on the same subject. No swearing and still the thread is able to  progress.

Image result for bugger

No work for that guy on this thread!!

People are always talking about the "Ratings". How are the "Ratings" performed? Are people provided with a book to mark off the shows they watch or what. I have never been asked to take part in "Ratings" so am quite curious. 

Two kinds of ratings.....

1. Those that tell the industry how many people watched a show. Done with people detecting meters in selected households these days.

2. Those that warn viewers about the style of a show's content. e'g' nice for children, lots of violence, etc.

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