Are you storing your eggs in the wrong place?

In the door of many fridges is a purpose-built area to store your eggs. But is that the best place?

No, according to the eggsperts.

Eggs should be stored at consistent temperatures – and that’s not in the door where the temperature fluctuates most as the door is opened and closed.

“Avoiding temperature fluctuation is critical to egg safety,” the Australian Farmers website advises. “A cold egg left out at room temperature can sweat, facilitating the growth of bacteria that could contaminate the egg. Refrigerated eggs should not be left out for more than two hours.”

The best way to keep eggs is to store them in their original carton in the refrigerator as soon as possible after purchase, the website advices. “Cartons reduce water loss and protect flavours from other foods being absorbed into the eggs.

“Storing eggs loose, or in specially designed sections of the refrigerator is not recommended as this also exposes eggs to greater risk of damage.”


Good advice thanks Janelle. All makes sense. Some very good info on your link including ...

My new fridge does not have an egg rack and even if it did, I would not use it. I've always stored eggs in the original carton and placed at the bottom of the fridge.

Have always just put them on a shelf in the fride


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