Are you cooking bacon the wrong way?

American food sites are telling bacon lovers that simply throwing the delicious cured meat in a fry pan and cooking both sides is not the way to best enjoy it.

If you want your bacon to be both juicy and crispy, the sites suggest starting with a thin layer of cold water in the pan when you start cooking, bringing the water to the boil and letting the water evaporate before then browning the bacon in the fry pan.

The principle of the cooking technique is that by letting the cool water get to a simmer you hold the bacon at a temperature that allows the fat to cook away without drying out the bacon. Then once the water is gone, you just need to brown the meat.

The Courier Mail tested the method and it was fair to say that they were less than impressed with the results.

How do you cook your bacon? Are you tempted to try this new technique? Do you know of any other unusual cooking tips?


I always cook bacon in an oven Ben, I line a shallow baking tray with baking paper, lay the bacon on it singularly, and pop in oven at around 200C. Depending on your oven around 5 minutes or so approx. but keep your eye on it. Beatiful, best tasteing bacon ever.

Please consider whether you really need to eat bacon - it's very unhealthy and an incredibly cruel life and death for the pigs that have been proven to be more intelligent than dogs.  Supermarkets provide cruelty-free alternatives that taste the same.  At the very least, please do some research through various sources (but not from just the pork industry that makes out everything is rosy for the animals).  


Did you know, go veg!, that us carnivores are actually doing vegetarians a favour? We eat the animals that are eating their food.

Old Man, that doesn't make sense.  Some farm animals in the world eat grass and cause environmental damage but most eat enormous amount of grains that would be more efficiently eaten directly by people.  Apart from environmental damage, the biggest risk is that 80% of antibiotics used are for factory farmed animals leading to resistant strains of bacteria.  

May I suggest thay you don't take any notice of what you read on American websites about cooking bacon.  Some years ago I was at Brisbane Airport and overheard a number of Americans complaining about their bacon not being cooked. ( it was cooked as far as I was concerned).

The Americans have their bacon cooked to a cinder because pigs in America have so many diseases in them that cooking the bacon the "charcoal" way is the only way to be sure all of the nasties have been killed.

I explained to the group that the bacon they had was fine because we do not have any diseases in our pigs in Australia.  Why do you think our pig producers get so upset when the beauricats and polititions loosen the regulations to allow product in from countries that are known to have any number of diseases?

The white spot in inported uncooked prawns debarcle in Brisbane recently is a prime example of beauricatic and political inaction after 20 years of complaining by the prawn producers not to allow the prawn importation.  The old saying of "sow the wind reap the whirlwind" unfortunately does not apply here.  The producers did not sow the wind but they certainly did reap the whirlwind.  Heads at the highest level of government and departments should have rolled.

Back to the bacon, I've done a few cruises of late and almost all the bacon on board is cooked the American way.  I liken it to saturated cardboard with little nutricainal value.

Now to your questions:

Q1:   Trim off the rind and straight into the pan and cook until the bacon looks like your photo.

Q2:    Not at all.

Q3:    No.

Stringy bacon is the best to crisp. Wash the bacon under the tap and dry between kitchen paper. Bacon should still be damp when you put into a hot fry pan. Turn it once during the cooking process keeping an eye on its progress.

Comes out crisp and tasty.

I rarely eat bacon but when I do, I like it burnt to a crisp. 

I only have bacon about once or twice a month. Cook it on the Weber Q cooks off the fat very nicely leaving nice crisp bacon. 

I rarely eat bacon now but I prefer Prosciutto. I take a few slices and wrap it in Paper towelling and put it in the microwave for a short burst. You can keep checking on it until it becomes crispy. I also sprinkle this on to the Lettuce when making a Caesar Salad

I only eat bacon on rare occasions.  

What I have been eating for breakfast on most morning is steel cut oats which I buy from Woolworths.  Much prefer them to ordinary rolled oats and they are better for you.  Pay $5.50 for 500 grams but a quarter of a cup gives four servings.

 I usually make that up and keep half for next day.  I always put in dried fruit, cranberries and soak overnight and cook3 min in microwave.  Then I add in LSA and cinnamon plus some half a sliced banana.  Very filling and keeps me feeling full until lunch time.  Have with a spoonful of natural yoghurt.

How can you get 4 serves out of a quarter cup of oats?  That would barely make one normal serve for me, and I don't eat big serves of food any more.  You must only eat enough to fill an egg cup.


you have not tasted great bacon unless you have had Danish bacon as is the norm through out the UK. it is tasty, crispy and nice and thin and cured in a completely different manner from the crap sold here in Australia.

I agree Danish bacon is the best, so is Danish cheese and butter. IMO

And butter cookies , Danish beer, liver paste 

REAGAN,    are you doing an imitation there,    or are you just feeling 'foxy'   lol,lol,  

To all of you who have provided different ways to eat bacon, thank you.

like HOLA,   if im only cooking for myself,   i do it in the microwave,   can have it soft or crispy,   whichever way you want,     i love bacon,   

I'm sick of socalled vegans telling us how and what to eat. If you want to live on grass thats your choice. But don't presume to tell others what to eat. I don't force you to eat animal products so keep your dietary choices to yourself.

If we weren't meant to eat animals why are they made of meat?


Then by your logic you should also be a cannibal

spose dog meat is a delicacy for you folks 

This article (and most food articles) is all about meat eaters' choice so why can't vegans also air their views?  Why not consider alternative foods that are proven to be healthy for you, good for the planet and not cruel to animals?  Anyway,  it's better than making CEOs of meat/dairy/egg conglomorates ever richer from their very successful advertising campaigns.   



go veg! there is nothing wrong with you starting your own topic.  If you don't like this topic I suggest that you make your own. 

You are free to put up one on this board. The ball's in your court.  There may be other vegans that would contribute to yours.


go veg!

You are entitled to your opinion on this topic same as anyone else.

You are not being rude in any way.


Reagan, how right you are, we all have the right to post on ANY of the threads in this Forum, I've tried to say that in the past,.... I hope you can get the message across.

BTW, I didn't read where Sandi had told Go Veg not to post on here or that she was rude in any way, shape or form... Me thinks you're trying to stir the pot again...


waiting, waiting, waiting!

I know Ben, you gotta laugh.

Mind you the thread is one by Ben, not you, the other Ben. Hope I'm not confusing you. It's up to him who posts what on it.

See ya later.


Reagan no one said she was being rude or I wasn't so don't go putting words in my mouth.   

In fact if she had a look at the Recipe section on this Forum there are lots of Vegatarian recipes on there.

I was just suggesting that she put some recipes on the board if she's not interested in the ones that others put up.




Was it you or Radish who put up the egg replacement " fregg " ?  Sent it to my daughter who is vegan tho' she makes a fantastic Vegan Lemon Meringue Tart completely without eggs. 

Because the rest of my family don't eat meat  I don't normally eat meat either  my biggest problem is keeping my B12 up so now I have a B12 injection every 2 or 3 months which lots of vegetarians find necessary. 

Viv it was Radish who put the fregg up.  I put the Aqua Faba one up a few years ago, using chick pea juice instead of egg whites.

It's great that these days we have so many choices available .  Different flours, sugars etc.  Different choices for milks.

go veg! I'm with you. I do not eat any meat from the pig, none, against my religion you see, so bacon holds no interest for me.

I plan to be a vegetarian some time in the future for these reasons:-

Vegetarians, on average, are 30 pounds lighter than meat-lovers.Vegetarian diet can reduce the risk for type 2 diabetes. Vegetarians and vegans are less insulin resistant than meat-eaters.

Those who consume vegetarian foods, such as fruits, vegetables, nuts, beans, grains, pasta and whole grains have fewer risk factors for heart disease, the number one killer of both men and women in America.

Vegetarians tend to have a wider variety of foods that they eat, leading to a greater intake of nutrients such as dietary fiber, magnesium, folic acid and phytochemicals.

Vegetarian diet may protect against cancer, including lung cancer, breast cancer, stomach cancer and colorectal cancer. The positive nutrients, such as antioxidants, found in plant foods help reduce inflammation that can be damaging to the body leading to certain types of cancer.

As I said before I'm not a vegetarian yet, but seriously considering it. You are on the right track.

Becoming a vegetarian … Harvard Health.

I mainly eat veggies but get a 'meat' craving every so often so indulge myself with a generous portion of lean steak, lamb, pork, chicken or fish, cooked at home accompanied by veggies.

When the bacon craving comes on ... I go to a local cafe which does the best bacon and eggs I know. Restrict myself to 2-3 times a year for that and love it when I go.

:( Totally boring really ... used to love food but restricted by health issues and food wowsers prowling the internet now.


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