Anyone see the TT program last night re Gen Y and $1146 per fortnight

Had a look at the TT site to check but no story so maybe I had a nightmare at 6.45pm and just imagined the story about teen age mums with one baby who are demanding $100 extra a week as what they get is just not enough and also they dont want to have to work either.
Said they get the $546,80 a fortnight same as single Age Pensioners get - on top of that they get Tasx benefit A and Tax benefit B to bring up the baby plus rent allowance which was $301.20 a fortnight - didnt get the tax benefits - too gobsmacked - added up to $1146.00 a fortnight or $573 a week.
Now I know the rent allowance is on top of that but we who are paying off our own homes via mortgages whilst on Age pension do not get rent allowance and no help from the Federal Government at all - but according to Age pension news a single OAP gets maximum of $107.20 per fortnight and couple get $101 - so how can a single mum get $301.20 a fortnight? I do know that the more kids you have the greater the rent allowance paid and that has always been an anomoly to me as rents are based on the house and not on the occupants. 3 bed house with couple with 3 kids pay the same rent as a couple with no kids and all in between - 4 kids but if 2 are girls and 2 are boys well no worries as 3 beds will do them and even 5 as bunk beds - same rent OK?
Thing is they demanded that extra $100 a week but when I said on this forum we should get an extra $100 a week got shouted down by a lot of you who thought dont be greedy or they will never pay it and it will cost too much - well all I can say is so what and why?
Because these little 'darlings' :( would not be where they are if we had not worked and paid our income taxes and built this country into the place it is today. I still am of the opinion that the Age Pension is what we paid into all those years we worked and that what I have found out via searching and talking to older workers now retired is true - the 7.5% that was put on the income tax as a levy in 1909 has carried on right up to today being taken out and paid nowadays into consolidated revenue to cover our age pensions.
These little girls last night implied or some did - they should not be expected to work as one put it - women of 30 are having babies and careers but we missed out.
Reporter never asked why she missed out - maybe because she didnt want to work and thought by having a baby and getting the unmarried mums oops lets be politically correct - single parents pension, a house and never needing to look for a job ever she was better off than those hunting for work and staying home.
This was discussed in detail in 1980 when we ran a 7 day supermarket in Adelaide and the young mums would come in drink coffee and discuss how to rort the system - one way was to have the boyfriend on the dole living at home with his parents but of course sleeping with her at the home she got at cheap rent from public housing so they got the full amount - as defacto's like married couples got less even back then. Or saying have to go out and get preggers again as we now have to look for work once the kid is at school - which was the case then and may still be for all I know - shrug!
Meanwhile now do you see why I said ask for at least $100 a week - today's gen Y have no worries at doing it and we need to stop playing silly buggers and ask for more as they pay these girls more for raising babies and we got paid zero in benefits for raising ours - just had to manage.
We now manage too blooming well.


Hi Bigval, I just got back & this is the first I have read on this site. What do you want? When Pauline Henson said that she wanted ALL Australians to be treated alike, she was branded a racist & jailed. You now want the same benefits as these poor little innocent sluts & you expect support. You are joking!!! These little, well informed children will be voting for 60 odd years & you will be voting for 15. When I suggested that we get together to make a power play, you said you would NOT support a political Party that ONLY represented YOU & did not have an education or external affairs policy, etc, etc. Just a thought!! How about all single mothers do NOT get the singles' bonus & if they can't afford to raise their children, they are put up for adoption, by parentd who can afford them?? Your objections would be gone in 5 minutes, because these innocent little children would somehow or other, NOT get pregnant.

Innes you really are a very rude man. Obviously never taught manners. Sure you are not a Gen Y masquerading as a Senior?


Comments like yours are not helpful. 30 years too late to stop the welfare roundabout as we have these girls many of whom are from families who never worked either and never will.

[color=red][size=4]"the Age Pension is what we paid into all those years we worked and that what I have found out via searching and talking to older workers now retired is true - the 7.5% that was put on the income tax as a levy in 1909 has carried on right up to today being taken out and paid nowadays into consolidated revenue to cover our age pensions. "[/color]


BigVal, I have heard about this from time to time over the years, and I simply can't understand why nobody among our politicians have never been pushed to look into it.

Re the young mothers, well, my opinion, over the years ......each generation has been encouraged to use the welfare syetem to their best advantage, particularly since Whitlam.

A welfare system is slowly and surely becoming a way of life for these people, yet for some reason, the older generations are treated as second class citizens.[/size]

Hi again BigVal, I have just reread your 43 lines of criticism of the system for young unmarried mothers. I suggested that the payment of baby bonus' etc, being stopped, would stop this form of prostitution. I also stated that these recipiants will vote for another 60 years (& guess which party) whilst you would be around for maybe 15 years & as stated, will change your vote at each election. Just out of curiosity, which bit of that is rude& which part is incorrect? By the way, I am not only a senior, but a part pensioner. At the risk of being thrown off this site, by you; can you point out which rule, honesty & stating of fact, breaks?

I do not begrude any assistance being provided to the young - able - bodied members of they the unemployed, the single mums, or young families battling to get a start in life. - They are our country's future - Perhaps we could view these payments as an investment in the future generation... assisting in the raising of a healthy, well grounded future generation - the workers...the future taxpayers....who will inturn be able to assist the then young ones requiring the same help... ?? ...that's the way it should go..... These payouts are now regarded as an expectation - free money.... it will never be enough....with no requirement to contribute in any way to repay the debt in the future. Their children will expect the same benefits? .....But with the term "work for a living" slowly becoming an old cliche...I don't know were all the money is coming from to fund a welfare system.....As far as the aged pension for the future.....perhaps 'they'll be coming to take us away.....ha ha'

Don't worry too much Big Val about the state of handouts/ pensions etc because with the World

financial crisis the Governments tax base revenue is going to be sorely reduced.

That together with the added burden of thousands of self funded retirees that have lost their savings and rising unemployed who will now be claiming a Govt pension, will mean less money in the (elastic) treasury coffers to go around the outstretched hands.

The World is about to change and the days of endless money and Govt handouts is just about over and that to will possibly mean all of us going back to managing on little or nothing just like the 'Good Old Days'.

Maybe then we will be able to reinstate some old time values such as marriage, fidelity, honesty, sharing etc etc.

Who knows this new World Financial situation may be good for us all, making us appreciate what we had even if it was a little.

Hi u3a, Your comments are really on the ball. I can just hear BigVal in a year or two saying, ''I hope they don't cut our pensions as much as the single parents''. But don't worry too much, they still have nearly 12 billion of our hard earned savings left. I know I am harping to the converted, but, I wonder if they have thought of selling Parliament House, in Canberra, to the Japanese in return for tearing up some of our debt. We could get rid of 1/2 billion debt & at the same time raise 1/2 billion cash which would pay for an increase in the pension of 20 cents a week for 1 year. All we would have to do is pay a rent of $10 million/annum for ever more.

Hi Innes

Dead right, maybe they could run the show for us anything would be better than this juvenile lot.

With their squandering of the 10.5 billion and blanket guarantee on banks they have effectively set our savings and monetary system back twenty years.

Oh well people wanted a change and that's what we have got.

In six months from now they will all be throwing eggs at Golden Boy.

I apologise for a mistake in my last post. It should have read (2nd last line)$100 million

Innes mate,

100 million our politicians would sell their kids for that.

Look we have sold the farm

Going gangbusters on the coal and iron ore

Destroyed the single desk for wheat ( thanks Golden Boy)

About to impose ridiculous carbon trading imposts and send industry overseas, increase our electricity costs etc etc.

Haven't fixed the Fuel costing

Haven't fixed Food costs

SO why don't we sell all the politicians both lots, the price is the buyer gets them and half their paltry 15% supa and gets them outta of hair.

Lets hand it over to the bureaucrats because they would do a better job.

Hi u3a, They didn't sell off all the farm. One area in particular was doing so well that they had to get 1 or 2 of the states to stop the water. As for the fuel; We have had a number of enquiries into the fuel prices & they have found quite conclusively that the fuel companies are working on rediculously low margins & not profiteering. I have a small mathematics problem. BP sells less fuel to-day than they did 10 years ago & their annual report, out to-day announces a profit of more than 10 times the profit of 10 years ago. I know I am too thick to understand where my maths went wrong. Can one of the bright sparks, on here, tell me, in simple english, how they pull off this little trick

What is it that you want BigVal? Equity? There never has been, nor ever will there be. Missed out on all the handouts? Tough!


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