Amazing results yet to come whilst Oz waits

Who knows who will be the next PM and with what machinations they will have to undertake to hold power if a hung Parliament which looks likely.

We had same down here in Tasmania this year -

Labor lost on votes but gained by going to the Labor Appointed State Governor and telling him the Liberals who got the majority of the votes could not govern as not stable and that they would have the promise not to block supply by the Greens, so stable. And got the nod.

Guess same will happen if the ALP win enough for minority government with Julia off to see Bill Shorten's Mum in law and tell the same tale.

You know Bill Shorten who along with Paul Howes arranged the political assassination of Kevin Rudd.
A man tipped to be a PM one day.

So we wait.

Bet those phones are being worked though even as I write.


Whichever way it goes, we will have a minority Government with the

Greens frustrating every move in the Senate. My tip is that we will have

a double dissolution before the end of next year.

I'll be quite happy for Labor to get over the line, with the Greens hounding them every step of the way.

Yes, Innes, couldwell be a DD around November, and people will not be happy, as Vic goes to the polls in Nov, and NSW in March.

Does not look good for Australia.

Watch the value of the Aussie dollar - my bet is it will go down.

I think all we have learnt from this election is that if politicians treat the electorate like fools, they will vote for the Greens, who lack any credibility and sensible policies.

greens are the winners in this election. they have effectively doubled their vote.

obviously, many australians are beginning to turn towards the progressive views and ethical behaviour of the greens.

i see this as a good sign of a better democracy with more opportunity for government to respond to what the people really want.

looking at the bigger picture, this result could be an early part of the big transition process we all need to go through as we cannot continue with the excessive, polluting, wasteful way of life we have had in the past. similar results in the recent uk elections and the tasmanian state election. we are being forced to negotiate, change and re-think. at last.

I think you are right Tanwin & our election brilliance proves that they

are correct. Also, it is one of the few times that I agree with you, fwed.

I also believe that we are in for a rough ride. I sincerely hope that

Abbott turns out to be a lot better than most expect. One good thing is that

with a coalition minority Government, there wont be too many new laws

going through the Upper House before the next Election.

The people have told them what they think of both sides--that they both stink--and they didn't like either

The people have told them what they think of both sides--that they both stink--and they didn’t like either

I know Labor stink and thankfully the majority looked into the Greens dopey policies and decided they will take this country backwards.

I think who ever forms government will soon grow tired of pandering to the self centred Independents and performing for the deviate Greens, and will call a double dissolution within 18 months.

And I am sure they were all over Tony's ums and Ahs and lack of policies and his stupid statements, and the way they just fought anounst themselves. The people made a statement and was@#%--- you and @#%---you to to to both parties

It's amusing to note that if ALP gets over the line, they will have to crawl to three people who, till about 8.30pm Sat 21st of August, they would have classed as far right , redneck, nutters, only fit for the looney bin

Ha Ha Ha Ha

"greens are the winners in this election. they have effectively doubled their vote. obviously, many australians are beginning to turn towards the progressive views and ethical behaviour of the greens. "

i agree, elderwoman. more and more australians are turning to the greens, who offer stability and practical policies. i like their focus on social justice and environmental sustainability - you can't have one without the other.

its a shame that some people fear the greens and misunderstand their philosophy. i guess change is scary for those who are unable to let go the past.

KIKA people who voted Green are easy led and easy pleased ,but when there outrageous polices come to the fore don't grizzle on this page,just put your head in the sand

jesse j

Independent MP Rob Oakeshott says Julia Gillard and Tony Abbott should consider a ruling coalition which would see former political enemies sitting side by side around the cabinet table.

[url=]Full story here[/url]

That is thinking outside the box.

Probably never happen but I think it could be a good idea.

I agree and have often said the same thing, they would have to WORK together--and stop bitching about each other


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