All ads are annoying... but this one is gold!


You know what really grinds my gears? Advertising. I resent being yelled at by a TV screen at the train station, forced to watch a 30 second ad before being able to watch a YouTube video, having to flick past the first 20 pages of a magazine to actually get to the content. I find most advertising invasive and aggressive.

Don’t get me wrong, I understand the importance of advertising in this post-WWII, capitalist society. That’s why, when I see an ad that sells a product but does it in an entertaining, subtle and artistic way, I really appreciate it. In fact, sometimes I even love it.

The new tourism campaign called #WanderVictoria is quirky, playful and intelligent. It goes like this: two guys finish up lunch with their wives and decide to walk the long way home. On the way, they walk slowly, chatting and making silly puns, all the while wandering the length and breadth of Victoria’s beautiful natural surrounds.

This ad is really more of a short film, but it does the job of promoting tourism to Victoria well. I’d like to see more advertising go this way. Why not give it a watch?

 Did you enjoy this ad too? How do you think advertising has changed over the years?


i agree amelia.  i think i might be allergic to ads.   however, i use 'ad blocker' on my computer and frequently use the 'mute' button on the TV although i rarely watch the commercial channels.

another useful hint to lessen stress in one's life is to record TV programs and when watching them later on, fast forward through the ads.

i would also like to find a doctor, dentist, hospital, etc. where the waiting rooms are not filled with TVs, always on a commercial channel, and with hardly anyone looking at them.

well, that's my winge for the day.





KIKA -- I was at the Dentist yesterday and the TV was on some commercial channel, you couldn't hear the voices and that irritating typeing across the screen, I presume for the hearing impared, drove me to distraction. Also I was a  Court house once waiting to be called for Jury Duty. Forty people were ushered into a small room and the T.V was on Playschool. We couldn't believe it, and they wouldn't change the channel.

I agree, Amelia. However, I wonder how long it will take the TV stations to realise that this lovely ad is too long and they will start cutting it shorter untill it is almost unrecognisable. There was a lovely ad for Dairy Farmers milk which was like watching a short video but it hardly lasted anytime before it was chopped to pieces!  I find the mute button on my remote control is my friend!

That was a great ad! I do find some ads quite witty how ever, though most try and fail. One of my old favourites where the guy comes in to buy milk and the woman behind the counter reels off all the different types available, then rakes him up and down with a sharp look when recommending a particular brand. "And only 2% fat!" the actors made this quite amusing

A decent ad. At least the guys weren't total morons like quite a few in ads of today.

The difference with this ad was it was "gentle'.

It brough back a memory of a time when there wasn't a mad rush to get things done.

And it highlighted the intrusive nature of commerical TV, presented by people whose speech patterns mostly resemble that of a braying donkey. 

I had to go for an operation a little while ago. I was preped and sitting in the pre-op area waiting to be wheeled in to the theatre. There on the wall was a TV set televising the latest terrorist bombing in Syria showing people lifting bodies from the street. 

Just what you need before surgery.


My favourite ad of the moment is the Flora "Butter" ad...

So delightful that I actually went out and bought some...

It depicts two cute little butter kids .meeting under the lid...and dancing with each other..

And the even the vegies are happy...  :)



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